Owning YOUR story. It’s a very difficult thing to sometimes do. The reality, for almost everyone, is that life isn’t always pretty, there are unexpected hurdles and challenges that consistently take us off course for what we planned for ourselves. However, taking control and making the most of those unplanned twists and turns is exactly what our guest Rebecca Fabick chose to do with her life. She pushed through fear to find her strength to raise up from rock bottom with her emotions and health. She knew something had to change to improve her life and relationships.

As Rebecca was going through all of this she noticed that her health was starting to deteriorate. She knew something needed to change and quick. In trying to fix her health she states she found God again who she admits she lost a little along the way through her resentment and anger. However, she believes that finding God again assisted her with making the first step to get help. She became very passionate about reclaiming her life; her journey back to herself.

It’s a vulnerable look into her life and allows others to see that life is not always pretty and perfect, but if we channel the right energy we can find the things we need to be grateful for on our journey.
During our talk, Rebecca shares this was a four year processes for her to realize the difference between fear and love and to get to this point in her healing process. She encourages people to understand that this will not happen overnight, but you have to take that first step for it to happen at all.
Rebecca said her Red Bra Moment came at the beginning when she asked for help. She acknowledged that she was not ok and that she needed guidance. She asked the universe to give her support and she believes that was through her therapist. She learned to communicate and it started her spiritual journey. As one of her favorite author’s Gabby Bernstein, states…”When we fulfill our function, which is to truly love ourselves and share love with others, then true happiness sets in”.

Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!

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Much Love,
Renee & Shawna