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Be Yourself In a World That Is Trying To Make You Something Else With Deana Mamlieva

What an amazing dream and mission…raise women up, break glass ceilings, don’t apologize about wearing red lipstick or doing our hair while accomplishing it all. Spend a few moments with Deana Mamlieva and you will feel like you’ve know her for years. A natural storyteller, she walked us through her life growing up in the USSR and her journey that ultimately brought her to the United States. Deana shared when the USSR dissolved she said for the first time it was like the the world showed up in away she had never seen before. Deana became inspired to see the world and set out on a mission to travel. This mission was huge and such a risk for a young woman whose parents never even stepped outside of the USSR borders, her story is one of courage and inspiration.

When Deana was only 18 years old she learned about a student exchange program that allowed her to come to the United States to study. During her academic studies she experienced a few cities in the states, but ultimately fell in love with beautiful San Francisco. After college she worked for a period of time in the fashion industry for Gap Inc., She ultimately left that field with the birth of her son and moved to Dallas for three years. She moved forward and followed the path she thought she was supposed to be on and became a stay at home mom.

Deana threw herself into motherhood, like many women have done. She allowed her husband’s job to be the priority and she started neglecting things that were important

to her like even getting a manicure, because she believed she was supposed to be home with her son at all times. To be clear Deana loves being a mom and she is thrilled to watch her son grow and develop. However, during the initial time at home she could feel herself slipping away. Concerned about her mental health she went to see a psychiatrist because she was concerned about her sadness and thought maybe this was postpartum depression. To Deana’s surprise they could not officially diagnosis her with anything because she wasn’t actually depressed…. she was literally just bored!!! Deana’s boredom came from her trying to be who she thought she was supposed to be. She was conforming to what she thought society had in place for her to be.

Through this realization that she was not depressed, but bored Deana discovered the reality was that she still had dreams she want to accomplish. She made a commitment to finding herself and decided she was going to work to fulfill those dreams all while still being able to be a great mother to her son. She so eloquently shares with us that our children learn from their parents. They replicate how we act, not by what we say. She wants her son to have the same drive to follow his dreams as she does and decided that she would be a mom that will teach him by her own example.

Now a motivational speaker she speaks to career women about following their dreams and never ever feeling like they have to apologize for it.

She recognizes this self proclaimed “prison” she was placing herself was all by her own doing. Not one person ever told her oh you should feel guilty for following your dreams…it’s actually the opposite that people were applauding her.

Deana shares one of the best pieces of advice she has received came from her mentor Judy Strauss, who recently passed away. Deana states that every time she was confiding in Judy about what she was going through Judy would reach for her phone and play the song Don’t Worry by Happy. Judy consistently reminded Deana that everything was going to be ok. Deana follows the mantra to not to steal time from tomorrow that we can get done today.

Deana’s Red Bra Moment: She states it’s small, but in reality it has such a large impact. She states those moments when she is about to snap at my child or my husband, but able to take control of the moment and choose to communicate instead. She brings her emotions down and takes a moment to breathe. She is patient and she feels like a winner every time she is able to do this practice. It’s an example to her son how to communicate without speaking through emotions.

Want more Deana or want to hear it from hear it from her yoursel?!?! Head on over to our YouTube channel and hear more about her training, her family and her dreams. We thank you for stopping by and want you to know you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know. Please share away. And remember to always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!

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Renee & Shawna