Find your joy and share it with others, because in the end it doesn’t have to make sense…it just has to make you happy! Our guest Cecilia Wood shared this overall logic with us this past Wednesday on the Red Bra Project YouTube Channel, episode 32. Named after her grandmother, the adorable and charismatic Cecilia Wood is author of the Sunny Side Cecilia a life + style blog all about looking at the bright side of life. We had the opportunity to learn about her about her journey, blogging tips and
Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, Cecilia is now a rising senior attending Auburn University in Alabama. We quickly learned not only is she incredibly happy and optimistic, but she is definitely one to multi-task and stay busy. She is currently majoring in Professional and Public Writing and set to graduate in the spring of 2020 with plans to return home to Birmingham. In addition to her major she also holds not one but THREE other minors which include, Business, Spanish, and Marketing. She stated she never wanted to be in a situation where she was needing pull from another area and not have the expertise. Everything, as she explains, is intertwined nicely with one another and just makes sense for her career’s trajectory. She currently serves as the editor and chief for Auburn’s literary magazine and works as a writing consultant in their writing center. She comments with a smile, “that she will do pretty much anything that involves words!”
favorite affordable inspirations in fashion in the short time we chatted with her.
Cecilia started her blog as a senior in high school as a fashion blog originally titled “The Broke Girls Closet” as a hobby to pull from one of her major passions, writing. She initially thought maybe she would explore YouTube as a social media outlet, but realized her passion was definitely more writing than appearing in front of the camera. She continues to blog today about more than just fashion and really in her words, tries to put a positive spin or outlook on all instances in life. She admits she has seen her growth as a writer/blogger over the years and cringes at some of her earlier posts that she hopes are lost in the archive vaults somewhere online. But realizes again with that sunny side perspective that we all have to start somewhere.

She continues to write her blog as a hobby, it’s not an avenue she wants to explore as a full-time job. She wants to keep it to ensure she stays creative and has an outlet when she wants to write. She appreciates that it is a hobby for her so she posts when she wants to post and not when she feels like she has to based on a structure or set plan. She wants people to know if they aspire to blog or become a social media influencer infact that you don’t have to have a huge following to make a difference. The reality is numbers are just numbers. Liking a post is easy, it’s the people that take away something from your post that matter. She shared that her blogging inspiration comes from bloggers who use their platform to also be authentic.
Her fears at the beginning were centered around how was she going to be accepted at her small high school and what would people think about her brand. She kept reflecting and having thoughts that they may be thinking “what makes her think she could be an expert talking about fashion”. As she has grown with her blog her fear now stems more from when she is about to make a personal share and be vulnerable with her audience and followers. She enjoys that her followers are individuals who want to follow her and not people who felt they had to out of obligation as a friend in high school. She feels comfortable being vulnerable because she pulls so much from her favorite bloggers vulnerable moments. She gets joy once again from even if it’s just one person that she impacts with her post.
So how exactly does Cecilia stay so positive and joyful? She shared with us the secret really isn’t a secret at all, but just surround yourself with a lot of happy people. And in the moments of struggles for others she can definitely help them out, but their bad day should not equate to a bad day for her. She has this incredible sense of self-awareness for such a young woman. In addition to her circle of friends, her mom is also one of her biggest motivations because of the way she treats others. She has an incredible sense of kindness and her mom’s choices have inspired the way Cecilia wants to treat others. They have such an amazing bond and one of their activities together includes her mom serving as her blog photographer! Fun quality time with an additional purpose.
Cecilia shared with us that she feels as she stated above that her Red Bra Moments are really every time she decides to have a vulnerable share on her blog. in those moments, she can feel the community she has created gather around her and lift her up or share their own vulnerable moment She knows then that she has made a difference and had a positive impact.
If you want to walk on the Sunny Side of life with Cecilia, but didn’t have the chance to watch the episode live, no worries, but you should definitely find the time to catch the replay!!! Cecilia is a dose of daily happiness that we all need in our lives. Hear her share in her own voice what we have highlighted above, but also find out why she loves a good 90s movie and why she is never without a pack of thank you cards. She is truly infectious and is achieving amazing inspiring work through her blog. We are so happy she took the time to share her story with The Red Bra Project and our community.
To connect with Cecilia yourself she can be reached via the following social outlets: Instagram @sunnysidececilia or her website is
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Much love,
Shawna & Renee