“Normality is a paved road; it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.” – Vincent Van Gogh
The Red Bra Project is beyond excited to introduce you to our inspirational guest for our women crush series, Tandy Gutierrez from Brooklyn, NY. Episode 45 is packed with all kinds of yummy insight into magical power(s) of healing, meditation, movement, spirituality, hope and even a little woo – woo.
If you are looking for solutions, real long term solutions to healing from imbalance, autoimmune disease(s), anxiety, tiredness and just want to feel good, like really good – this is the episode for you.
Tandy shares her own journey that led her to exactly where she is today and what has helped her to create the gift(s) she now shares and guides others with. Tandy brings such a beautifully diverse & specialized background over the past 20 years ranging from Pilates, yoga, dance, Reiki, tarot, nutrition & martial arts to recognize a few practices that speak volumes to her experience & technique. Tandy’s perspective on the balance between western and eastern philosophies for healing, upswing & wellness is truly unique. After many years of working through her own gastrointestinal distress, chronic fatigue, auto immune diseases and a thryoidectomy she has gained a well rounded understanding on how to blend the philosophies for a combination that is bringing relief to people. Her personal journey has taught her how to work with the body rather against it, how going slower is actually optimal for more progress and long term solutions + how the mystical aspect plays in to support functional healing.
“The magic of women willing to heal and be the fullest expression of themselves in this lifetime,” is what Tandy shared with us when asked, what truly excites about life?
We rewind time & memories quite a bit with Tandy and take her all the way back when Skype was just becoming a “thing” – and more of an uncommon tool than the commonality of video, today. Tandy talks about the actual brick & mortar studio she used to have, the transition to her online wellness studio today and what inspired her to make the change. As many of us can attest with our own stories, when we look back and pay attention to just how the dots line up and connect, the journey is pretty damn cool when told out-loud – are we right??
Tandy’s online wellness studio is called, Unicorn Wellness Studio. It is an online subscription based membership where the Client literally can tune in from anywhere around the globe, press play and reap the wellness rewards. There is still no other online offering like hers: boutique, exquisite high-end training, healing meditations, magical tarot readings, with a genuine, loving & connected community that distinctly improves the body, mind, and soul.
Members are called Unicorns. Gahhhh, loooove that! Here’s s sneak peak behind the membership and what a Unicorn would have access to:
Healing Meditations / Daily Meditations
Magical Tarot Readings (New + Full Moon)
30 Minute Work – Outs (every 3 days + All fitness levels)
Private FB Community with all other Unicorns (Support) + Tandy herself
Tandy pours into her Unicorns crafting every video in accordance to the current lunar cycle & astrology to harness & balance the energies at play in the physical and energetic body.
We dive deeper into how the work – outs are created and who they work for. Many people (guilty as charged) may think that results like Tandy’s couldn’t happen in just 30 minutes. Tandy shares the power behind micro + macro movements with the body that really transform, shape & heal. If you just tune in for this part – promise, it’ll be worth it!
Ok, so perhaps you are reading all of this and while it all sounds amazing and all, you may be thinking it is too good to be true for you. We’ve got you. Start by glimpsing at a few of the testimonials and note the diverse background and needs that Tandy’s unique healing experience has helped.
Or, perhaps you want to start a lot slower and get an idea of how you could feel better. Tandy offers The Unicorn Wellness Handbook. It is an easy to read, 4 – week handbook that allows you to really understand how her approach works and why. She shares in depth about her personal wellness journey to healing as well as how to crack your own personal food code – leaving you feeling AH- mazing! (Her Unicorns rave about this step!)
OF course we talked about how she ensures she is energized enough to give to everyone else, what self care looks like for her as a momma of three boys and how she pushes through the ultimate “F” word – fear.
“I don’t push, I lean into it. Knowing that fear is the maker for the next blessing, win and healing. The things that we fear the most are our flags for the next level up,” Tandy said. Yes, yes, yes!!

Tandy’s Red Bra Moment: Birthing my sons, honestly. It’s the most bold and strangely confident I’ve ever felt.
Absolutely precious.
End this decade and kick off the new one with a little insight into finding and listening to your own intuition (yessss, we talk about HOW to do this, too) and Tandy’s guidance into HOW to plan and go about goal setting for the new year. We promise Episode 45 on The Red Bra Project YouTube Channel is going to leave you with a lot of “what if’s” to think about and could be exactly what you have been looking for.
Thank you so much Tandy for taking the time to share you beautiful story with us. You are creating a wonderful space out there for long term healing, vitality & genuine connection.
Here’s where to connect with the inspiring Tandy:
Unicorn Wellness Studio – Learn More Here (message us for a code to save $10 on your first month’s membership)
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all show reminders and to catch the replays. We feature a variety of stories from incredible women all over the globe, supporting, connecting and empowering one another through our daily life challenges, successes and journeys to level UP and keep going!
If you are interested in being featured, please reach out to us via our Contact page or send us an email: redbraproject@gmail.com, we’d love to hear from you.
The Red Bra Project