“Believe you can and you’re halfway there” – Theodore Rooselvelt
“If you told me five years ago that I would be married, own multiple part – time businesses with my husband (real estate), that I was the Founder and CEO of an LLC I created & that I would still have my 9 – 5, I would probably literally laugh in your face. But if it’s one thing I want your listeners and subscribers to take away from our interview is that it is ALL POSSIBLE and I’ll share just how I do it during our interview,” Tiyanna Washington
Friends whether you have been with us for a while or are new to The Red Bra Project, this is one powerful highlight you want to make sure that you tune in for. Meet the kind, smart, bold and beautiful Tiyanna Washington from New York City. Tiyanna is our amazing guest for episode 47 on The Red Bra Project. While she wears many hats, is responsible for multiple roles and holds several titles, at the end of the day she is doing, no – she is creating an awareness with our youth population having those tough conversations surrounding bullying, mental health, anxiety, depression, self – care, self – esteem and more. She is not just initiating the conversations, but leading them, becoming a trusted source for our youth to turn to and get ready for this, she is teaching them life long coping mechanisms to start using, NOW. Can. We. Please. Put. Our. Hands. Together. For bringing this message and awareness to the forefront. In the hopes that as adults, it is not the first time that these topics are being brought to the surface.
Tiyanna is a licensed social worker recognized for mental health advocacy, has been featured in print & broadcast outlets within the tri – state area and has had her research published by the National Center for Permanency and Family Connections. Tiyanna has worked within the school system servicing youth diagnosed with emotional disturbances, behavioral – conduct disorders and severe cognitive and learning delays for about a decade now. Her extensive work in the field of social work and advocacy, has transformed the lives of youth and families impacted by domestic violence, community violence, generational traumas, mental illness, substance abuse and bullying. While alllll of her education, training, research and experience has led her to exactly what she needed to launch TspeaksNYC, LLC (her business that is dedicated to supporting and raising awareness in regards to mental health & wellness awareness) – Tiyanna’s journey to helping youth started within her very own young childhood.
We could have talked with Tiyanna for hours as the connection was vivid, her story and insight so moving. Genuine authenticity streams off of Tiyanna through the screen as she vulnerably shares her own story and personal bullying experiences in elementary school. At the tender age of nine, ten, eleven years old, Tiyanna was teased about the color of her skin and at that youthful age Tiyanna understood what it meant to be “pretty” as a dark skinned girl (which is what people would say to her). Colorisim was huge for Tiyanna growing up and true to the youth today, Tiyanna did not share with her parents what she was going through depsite their close relationship. It finally came to a head and one day after some extremely hurtful words were said to Tiyanna she broke down and shared with her Mom. How the words the other kids said made her feel, what they were saying about her skin color, what she was struggling with and how confused she was. Tiyanna remembers the conversation she had with her Mom that day and will always hold that honest conversation dear to her heart. After she poured her heart out Tiyanna’s Mom talked about the importance of loving yourself, the importance of embracing oneself both externally and internally, blocking out the outside noise & the importance of that, about self hate and what that can look like & manifest for young people. This day began the journey for Tiyanna and that day fueled the creativity and agenda for TspeaksNYC’s first event. The words that Tiyanna’s Mom shared with her was exactly what Tiyanna needed as a young girl dealing with bullying, insecurity and lack of confidence and would be with her from then on out.
The first summit held by Tiyanna and TspeaksNYC sold out this past fall. Tiyanna was able to connect to young girls who NEEDED a place to share, to learn and to feel comfortable talking about what there are going through. They left not only feeling inspired and not alone, but with coping tools to help them be prepared in the real world when and if bullying struck again.
Tiyanna has the upmost admiration for her Mom (and Dad, but today we’re talking about Mom!), her work ethic, their relationship, her support and friendship. (We loved learning a little about you, Mom!)

Alright, let’s pause a moment. So, how did Tiyanna put into action the vision for her company, TspeaksNYC, LLC? How did she set aside the time, mental space and fear to take the action to go from a vision to a real life business? We’ll get to that, but it is important to mention that Tiyanna full on admits she had doubts, she tried to talk herself out of it several times saying you know you are going to fail. it’s too expensive, so many people are already doing this exact work. She already had a 9 – 5, she would find herself self sabotaging this vision in her heart. BUT, she finally got to the point where she said just simply to herself, “Tiyanna you are either going to do this and it works out phenomenally or you do it and it doesn’t, then you can try again,” she told herself. When she got honest with herself and broke it down, the layers of fear began to melt away. Another tool that really helped Tiyanna to make the leap was joining Instagram and the inspiring women she connected with. Learning from other women about how they balanced life, work, passion, a regular 9 – 5 and so much more.
Tiyanna took the leap by taking action that worked for her. Mind you, she candidly shares with us that this idea had been on her heart for seven years before she took action. Seven years of thinking about her vision but by being “OK” with what was comfortable for her in her life with her current occupation during those seven years. She had a great career, her Master’s degree and it all looked great on the outside, no one knew about Tiyanna’s vision for her company because she kept it all to herself.
Finally this past year she knew she couldn’t have another year pass by.

By becoming vulnerable, by connecting and asking questions and not allowing that fire in her heart to fizzle, she learned she had to do the work she was encouraging others to do, which included learning what being vulnerable is. It was time for her Tiyanna to walk in her purpose even though she did not have all the answers or know how it was all going to come to fruition – she just knew she had to start and when she did one door opened that led to another and another. The power of taking leaps of faith, it is both magical and inspiring to JUST DO IT, taking fear along for the ride.
For Tiyanna vulnerability & transparency looks like voicing what her struggles may be to a trusted friend at any given time that she feels she needs to after a tough day. It’s ok to reach out, it’s ok to not be ok and to admit that. Tiyanna gives wonderful, concrete examples in our chat that really helps to paint the picture of vulnerability and how freeing and therapeutic it can be to take the mask off and embrace it. Listen in here.
We do want to note that vulnerability and transparency can and does look & feel different for everyone. Which means that expressing those feelings may also look different and that is OK. We are not the same. Self expression is highly connected to coping skills and it’s great when you have a handful of coping skills you can turn to and other days, it may take a little more time to dig deeper into the tool box of coping skills.
Tiyanna who whole heartily believes that one conversation can help one person at a time and that makes it all worth it – one conversation at a time.
There is just so much positive pieces of inspiration, guidance and ideas for coping and self expresson in our conversation with Tiyanna. She actually joins us from her “Zen Den” which is super cool, calming and yeah, you guessed it zen – like. She shares with us how anyone can have a zen den regardless of the budget – we think it’s a fab idea!
Tiyanna’s Red Bra Moment: Tiyanna gave a keynote address to a group of young women in junior high on the importance of believing in yourself and knowing your self-worth. After the speech she had a young girl come up to her, had to be about 12 or13 and she goes I’ve always wanted to do public speaking but I’m too shy and people (my friends) make fun of the way that I speak because I have a lisp and of the way I look. I never knew someone that looked like me, could do the work that you’re doing…”Needless to say I was a puddle of tears,” – Tiyanna
“It was so impactful for me to hear a young girl say that because I saw myself in her. I knew what it felt like to be teased, to be bullied and to feel that you aren’t going to be able to do what you want to do because of what people say & think,” said Tiyanna.
Here’s where to connect with the amazing Tiyanna.
Episode 47 on The Red Bra Project
(e): tspeaksnyc@gmail.com
Thank you so much Tiyanna for sharing so much of your personal story with us and others, for going deep, for talking about your feelings, the hurt, the pain, the wins and the key learnings. You have such a gift and what you are doing, how you are supporting our youth to find their voice, help them on their journey of healing and reassuring them that no matter what they’ve been through their circumstances do not define them is so, so important.
If you know someone who is struggling with bullying and could really benefit from being connected with Tiyanna, please do connect and help to change a life for the better.
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project