*Please Note: this is not medical advice. Please consult with a physician before making any changes*
A story shared holds so much power. Some make us laugh, others reach our hearts on the deepest level, there are the ones that light a fire in our soul and ones that fuel a new beginning. Many offer hope. An opportunity not only for the ability to relate, but for the possibility to begin the healing journey. Which is exactly what we inspire to do with our amazing guest’s raw, beautiful and strong story – help, inspire and provide hope to others struggling with addiction.
We have a Red Bra first here for you with our guest highlight and you know how much we love Red Bra firsts around here! The Red Bra Project is thrilled to welcome back, for the second time the strong, radiant and inspiring Audrey Stimpson.
Audrey joins us from the home of the blues – Memphis, Tennessee and was first featured on The Red Bra Project in Episode #21 with Madison & Melrose. We took an energetic behind the scenes look into what running her own A-Z digital marketing / branding company with her best friend, living the NYC lifestyle and rocking it as the ultimate boss babe looked like. What we didn’t know at the time was just how much Audrey actually was falling extremely ill, struggling to reach that work, life, career balance and not spend 24 hours a day meeting goals & deadlines all while combating a 23 year old addiction to an extremely powerful prescription drug.
*Please Note: this is not medical advice. Please consult with a physician before making any changes*
On the surface, it looked like she reached the pinnacle of her “success” (of course, the definition of success is relative) after spending the last eight years in Manhattan pursuing her dreams. She received a Masters in fashion photography from the School of Visual Arts and had a successful run as a photographer shooting top brands, including for the renowned Vogue. The view of The Empire State Building out of her window was one that many would do anything for. Audrey had enough Clients from her own business to live life comfortably, but behind the scenes she began to feel the wrath of taking Adderall since she was seven years old. Adderall was Audrey’s fuel to slay the way through her never ending days and enable her to go through the robotic motions required by the insatiable demands of the material world. When Audrey found herself in the emergency room for the third time, she knew something had to change, she couldn’t pay the price with her health at risk any longer, it was time to remove her mask. Audrey was addicted to Adderall both physiologically and psychologically – while she knew she had to do something, part of her didn’t actually believe that she could ever come completely off of Adderall.
We are honored that Audrey is sharing her story with us in Episode 49 on The Red Bra Project and that she is telling her story through bravery, courage and selflessness to help others.
Rewinding to the sweet age of seven, Audrey was prescribed Adderall to help with her diagnosis of ADHD. This was during a time when the side – effects and long term effects of such an addictive drug were not known yet and the doctors were the ultimate trusted source. Her parents did the absolute best they could with the information they had at the time. We want to make that extremely clear. Fast forward and after 23 years of use, the methamphetamine had begun to take its toll on her body and Audrey was dealing with a powerful addiction.
We’re going to pause for a moment to explain that while we typically write our post guest highlight blogs in a very conversational tone, this one will be slightly different. Audrey shared so much detail with us behind the scenes in our pre – show questionnaire we feel that is is important you read through her story from her exact words and we allow her to showcase her personal, real struggles she went through. “We are all in this together – we might as well share our truths and helpfully help someone in the process.” – Audrey Stimpson
Audrey’s Story:
After years of trying to fit into the mold or be the ideal, I realized that none of it made me happy. The material without love, without health, without free time—was exactly that—a facade.
I began a spiritual journey towards health about three years ago when I started meditating and trying to quiet the anxiety driven by constant uppers and amphetamine. It was only later, that I realized I needed to take further action. It was time to remove myself from the stressors of NYC and find healing in nature. I needed to come off of the drug that had controlled my life, but first I had to remove the triggers.
I had already begun weaning from Adderall meds and my gut health began to severely deteriorate due to serotonin and dopamine levels. Did you know that 95 percent of serotonin regulators are in the gut? So of course, weaning off of Adderall meds that increase dopamine and serotonin, would directly correlate to gut health issues. I moved to Long Island for the spring and summer with my boyfriend, now fiancé. I began to cut back on clients and work demands. I continued meditating.
But, it wasn’t enough. I was so sick. I was losing a lot of weight because I wasn’t retaining nutrients, I was breaking out everywhere, my joints were hurting, my sinus’ problems were out of control, and I was in the bath tub most of the time from stomach pain.
Then, I found Tandy Gutierrez, co-owner and founder of Unicorn Wellness Studio. She invited me to a healing full moon ritual in Brooklyn. She gave me her book when I told her of my issues. She said your problems sound just like mine “Just read it. I promise it will get better”. So I did. And I used her 41 day gut reset/elimination diet to create my own food code. I truly believe this saved my life and helped to alleviate depression, anxiety, and ADHD symptoms like foggy-headedness and lack of focus. Not to mention, all of the other symptoms started to subside. Food is powerful.
The Unicorn Wellness Handbook by Tandy Gutierrez is available on Amazon. The Unicorn Wellness Handbook is a handbook of wellness tips from the practical to the magical including a 41 day food reset. She shares her unique story as a busy momma of two boys, the step-mom to a third son, a tarot reader, intuitive psychic, thriving with three autoimmune diseases; Celiac, IBS and a thyroidectomy. She is a Unicorn and believes in the magic of a life on the mat, in the kitchen, and anchored in spirit. She teaches you how to thrive from her personal experience and journey from pain to healing. (Tandy was also a guest on The Red Bra Project and has a powerful story herself. Listen in here or read about her journey on TRBP Blog.
Now, that I had fixed my food, I needed to find a doctor to help me get off of Adderall. (Audrey had no idea how she was going to get down to 0 mg) Small ask right?
But, I found a doctor that specialized in various holistic modalities as well as EMDR therapy- aka (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), CBT ( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Art therapy, and Hypnosis. His name is Herb Cohen in Huntington, NY. I gave him a call and he said, “ I can get you off Adderall in one session”. (this does not mean trauma therapy is not needed afterwards, but one session to get rid of the physiological/psychological addiction from 23 years of Adderall use.)
I was like yeah right! We’ll see.
But, I woke up the next day after this therapy and didn’t want to reach for my pills. The addiction was gone!! (Audrey talks more in – depth about the actual process of the EMDR Therapy live with us here, how it worked and the lack of support of funding behind this solution. She feels that people struggling with addiction NEED to become aware of this therapy as an option because, IT WORKS)
I’ve been Adderall-Free ever since, but I’m currently still on a healing journey and it is a learning process. I am constantly learning about the problems in our foods regulated by government and the overarching FDA regulations, Big Pharma, good vs bad meds, holistic remedies, and the underlying trauma associated with ADHD symptoms, depression, and anxiety. I aim to prove that with trauma therapy using EMDR and hypnotherapy modalities—ADHD symptoms, anxiety, and depression can be alleviated and even cured all together.

Audrey is here with us sharing her story because she knows first hand that being a support system to help others with their addictions and struggles is so important to break the addiction…and ultimately to those seeking support, strength and the courage to take the first step…
To that 25 – 30 year old that can’t imagine a life off of Adderall and who is struggling daily to love themselves, Audrey was there, too – she gets you.
To the young teenage girl that was so scared to be herself, that struggled with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, body dysmorphia – Audrey was there, too – she gets you.
To the person who feels like, “I can’t do this. I’m not strong enough. What’s the point?” – Audrey was there too, she gets you and talks about all of this in our conversation on The Red Bra Project, listen in here. Please reach out to her, she is there for you.
Audrey is literally writing a book (being published very soon), a guide that she wishes she had to help her. She admits that she wouldn’t have been able to get off of Adderall without taking the steps she needed, in which she summarizes in depth in with us. While everyone’s healing journey is unique, Audrey hopes that sharing what methods, steps and changes she put into effect that worked for her and the reason why behind them may help someone else. The book is exactly what she needed when beginning to navigate how to break her Adderall addiction.
“I want others to know that is is possible to get off of Adderall and not just survive, but thrive.” shared Audrey. We talk about how more people now than ever are feeling alone, isolated and defeated – mental health is so important, we need to keep talking about it and bringing awareness to it.
While Audrey has been Adderall – free for over four months now, she is on a healing journey. One of which takes discipline, strength and facing all of her feelings & emotions, without a filter or mask so to speak to take the edge off. Essentially, Audrey is learning to cope with her feelings and emotions from the very beginning as she went through puberty on Adderall; she didn’t know her emotions then and is now, for the first time becoming familiar with them. She shares with us that she is so much better off on the Adderall free side of life. Every step, every feeling, every win has been worth it.
“After all of these years, I feel like I can finally see myself,” Audrey shares. “Now I look back and see I was an addict. Hard core. I immediately went for my pills in the morning. I. Needed. Them. I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed, to go to to the gym. I felt like I wasn’t me unless I took those meds and that’s debilitating.”
During these four months Audrey has moved across Country, managed an out of state Art Show, faced a lot of her feelings, identified her food code for her gut health and so much more. A little musical inspiration from Pink’s Album has been a powerful secret weapon as well. 😉 (Who doesn’t just LOOOVE Pink – truly she can make ya feel like you can conquer the biggest mountain!)

Audrey goes deep with us in our chat and shares that making the choice to wean herself off of Adderall meant appreciating relationships for what they were at that time and leaving some behind. Making a geographical move for her mental wellness and surrounding herself with people, environment and things that would support this very delicate and much needed journey she knew she had to take to save her health, all aspects of her health.
“Healing isn’t a destination and it isn’t always pretty. It’s a journey that continues to ebb and flow. There will be good days and bad days. It’s all about the ongoing process of self – discovery,” said Audrey.

Speaking about the healing journey, Audrey is a very talented & creative soul. She created an art series this summer made only from life objects as a form of healing while coming off her meds. She plans on including them in her book. She thinks of the creation as returning to the age of 7 before the meds took over her life. The play time. The creativity. The love for life. Art is healing for Audrey and allowing herself to explore and express herself was extremely therapeutic for her.
We absolutely loved the genuine response from Audrey about the most unexpected thing she has learned along the way: “The life you wanted isn’t always the you need or the one that makes you truly happy. Enjoy the small wins, the mundane tasks, the day to day. That’s where the joy is. Spend time with family. Have authentic friendships and for goodness sake, be yourself.”
Audrey’s Red Bra Moment: Recently I helped talk someone through the process of getting off of Adderall. I didn’t broadcast it. She found me on my IG platform and reached out because she wanted to speak to someone who had successfully cured their Adderall addiction. My story is my Red Bra and I hope that more women and men have the boldness and bravery to overcome their addictions. Being able to help just one person is my Red Bra moment.
Thank you so much Audrey for taking the time to share your brave, bold, raw & genuine story about breaking up with addiction with us. We so appreciate you and your amazing strength to help others by sharing your own journey. We are ALWAYS cheering you on. You got this. You inspire others to do hard things sharing your story and voice. You are amazing and we are so happy that you are Adderall – Free. Xx.
*Please Note: this is not medical advice. Please consult with a physician before making any changes*
Here’s where to connect with the amazing Audrey:
@modernfactorygirl on IG, facebook, and YouTube
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project