We were so honored to sit down and chat with our guest, Nelma Karina Sumbe owner & creator of Naturally Nelma, LCC. Nelma shares why she has chosen the health – conscious path, how it has been a part of her life since she was a kid and how seeking out and living a healthy life goes way beyond just healthy food. Eeeek, not ONLY was this a full episode of focusing on transitioning to a healthy lifestyle, it is packed with pieces of Nelma’s personal journey, challenges, celebrations and examples of how she rose above the obstacles to launch her own company after graduation. Speaking of celebrations, Nelma was also The Red Bra Project’s 50th Episode!!!! Cue the confetti!
Alright, let’s dive in! Nelma was born in Angola, West Africa and has called Houston, Texas home since she’s been seven years old. After high school, Nelma spent some time overseas, returned and graduated from the Art Institute of Houston for Culinary Arts in 2017. Creating a network for health – conscious people who seek to heal their bodies from the inside out and help to support others to live their life as unapologetically and naturally as possible.
At first the focus was just food for Nelma, but then she quickly realized it goes so much deeper than that. It’s about how food makes you feel from the inside out, how it can truly empower you, heal, energize and transform you. In Nelma’s episode on The Red Bra Project she shares with us how she was tasked with the challenge to literally take a 4,000 calorie lasagna and make it healthy. She owned it and with a variety of different, but still delicious ingredients she successfully created a flavor packed 1,800 calorie yumalicous comfort food dish.
When reflecting back on what are probably memories, but could be beautifully warm bread filled dreams (tune in for why ;-)) Nelma associates the creation of good food with her grandma and the love her grandmother had for making meals for family. What it meant to eat, eat well and bring everyone together to connect. Those emotional feelings are what live right on the surface when it comes to Nelma’s connection to educating, sharing and showing people how eating healthy can really impact one’s life in a positive way.
Nelma would LOOOOVE to expand her reach to not just who she works with locally in Houston, but is working on expanding with a YouTube Channel that is more instructional and educational starting out with simple meals that anyone can make. Who doesn’t love the idea of a simple, healthy meal in about 15 – 20 minutes. Yass!
So what about the intimidation factor? We asked Nelma how she helps to take that perspective out when considering not only going healthy, but also going plant – based as well. Preparation is key. Food prep, planning meals & snacks ahead go a long way for staying on track, in line with someone’s budget and on top of living a healthy lifestyle especially when cravings come along! Nelma looves trickling new information to her family & friends, cooking & making different things for them and watching how they respond, both when they are eating and curious about what ingredients made it into the meal. We were laughing at the non – egg omelet she recently made for her Dad and how much he seemed to enjoy it in our convo with Nelma. 😉
Part of Nelma’s story is how she committed to becoming an Executive Chef and wanting to serve others through food. She actually started out pre – law, but went against her typical family norm so to speak. Nelma knew she had to make a choice to pursue what lit her up. She personally wanted something that she could FEEL good about without navigating so much of the political side of a career. After choosing her direction, a personal family situation impacted her choice even further into committing to being plant – based not just for her life, but for her future children and everyone on earth looking forward to the trees, the beach, fresh air, the earth – we all deserve it.
“This is what it is all about. You just gotta look forward. I know a lot has happened in the past, but we have to stop lamenting and just be present and move forward as a World and society,” Nelma shared.
What really helps Nelma to push through fear are her accountability partners. Her amazing boyfriend, two best friends overseas and even some of her most fearful moments have prepared her to push through fear. She talks about her shadow self, her worst self taking over and acknowledging it, “Pushing through fear is pushing through myself. Through my own stubbornness, my own doubts. I need to push through when my little voice is trying to tell me I can’t.” (We looooved this perspective from Nelma, even if you can just tune in for a little bit go to around 17:00 and listen in, soooo good for a motivational pick me up)

Nelma says bring ON the challenges of being an entrepreneur – it’s going to be a crazy roller-coaster and she fully gets that you just gotta embrace the crazy and roll with it to be successful. A big part for her is she truly wants to own her own schedule, life and time for her & her family. “It’s such a trip as an entrepreneur. I jumped off the plane and I had to build a plane on the way down. I’m still building, still building for sure. It’s been a wild ride and I absolutely love it,” Nelma stated.

In addition to expanding on a broader scale with a future YouTube Channel Nelma is planning a cook book, yes like you can hold and not just available digitally, filled with plant based – recipes such as Angolan and Mediterranean plates, the plates she grew up with. We are SO excited about this and have no doubt there will be so much creativity, love & passion into each recipe.
If you are struggling with high blood pressure, acne, heavy menstrual cycles (Nelma shares personally the changes she saw with a super painful menstrual cycle within just 3 months), weight – basically anything, you could benefit from switching from meat to a plant – based diet. Nelma admits the first 21 days are going to haaaaarrrrd, BUT the energy increase, clearer skin, mental clarity and just feeling good about yourself is SO worth the 21 days. The energy increase both body & brain sounds ah – mazing just to start with.
Here’s the thing though, let’s take it one step at a time, you can always start with one or two meals a week that does not include meat. Small steps lead to big changes, arrrre we rrrright? For Nelma, her transition was more of a wean which worked for her. She talks more about it here and even touches on that fact that she DID struggle and that was OK, she made it through to the other side. Nelma suggests “Meatless Mondays” and begin there! If that is even too big of a step, start by adding more greens to your diet and see how that goes. For example, chopped spinach in scrambled eggs, a salad for lunch, zucchini spaghetti (one of our faves!)
Nelma’s Red Bra Moment: Definitely gradutating Culinary School. With a very toxic ex – boyfriend and other naysayers, a lot of people told Nelma she couldn’t do it, she wasn’t going to be anything. Nelma shares a super pivotal moment when at graduation her sister hugged her deeply, mentioned what her ex said to her and brought attention to where and what she was doing at that exact moment. Tears of joy and accomplishment fell because here she is, SHE DID IT, SHE GRADUATED.
Nelma shared that, “With Naturally Nelma, it’s a continuous Red Bra Moment. Not giving up on my company every single day really means a lot to me. I am still learning how to be a business woman, I am a skilled Chef. There’s so much more and every success counts towards everything.”
Nelma’s NEXT Red Bra Moment is when she becomes a Certified Yoga Instructor! Love that she has her next Red Bra Moment lined up!
Fun Fact About Nelma: She collects ornate elephants & has over 25 tattoos!!
Thank you so much Nelma for sharing your motivational & inspiring story with us! We literally felt your positivity, energy & focus through our conversation (and the screen!) Keep on going and sharing your message with the world, we need you! Xx
Here’s where to connect with the amazing Nelma:
@naturallynelma on IG, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Naturally Outspoken (Nelma’s Blog)
Episode 50 – Living Your BEST Live with Naturally Nelma on The Red Bra Project YT Channel
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project