We had the pleasure of sitting down with the beautifully talented, Angie B from the lone star state of Texas for our Women Crush Wednesday series. Angie is a first time self published author sharing the story about her book, Judge Me Wrong: Finding Truth Through Life Defining Moments Right in Front of Your Face. The main character, Rose a young female, takes us, the reader along on her personal journey with low self -esteem, peer pressure, depression and how one really shouldn’t ever judge a book by it’s cover. Angie’s inspiration for the book stems from her own youth. She deeply feels like one story shared can help someone who is struggling with life & challenges and give them some hope to persevere. Angie’s demographic is empowering youth to develop the coping & life skills that can help so much later on as an adult.
Diving a little deeper into Angie’s personal life, she has been a writer for over twenty years. She typically wrote for herself through a journal or short stories but never a public book. Writing for Angie is both therapeutic and creative as many of us can relate to. Writing is such an amazing way to release emotions, feelings and even work through some of the tough stuff. In Episode 51 with us on The Red Bra Project YouTube Channel, Angie reveals that Rose is actually the fictional character that resembles Angie B. and her own personal struggles when she was younger.
Of course Angie struggled with fear at first and putting herself out there to publish her first book. What helped to inspire her to take the leap and not look back was that one, she found the belief in herself (one of the MOST important steps we hear from many of our guests) and two, the fact that her cousin also published her own book. Her cousin continuously kept encouraging Angie to juuuuust do it! Admittedly, Angie stopped listening to that inner gremlin voice and stayed laser focused on her mission with her goal to write this book, share her story and to help instill hope in youth.
Naturally, after tackling the fear, squashing her inner gremlin voice and beginning the journey there were challenges that came up such as pushing the original publish date. The reality is that perfectionism kicked in. Angie recognizes her own amazing Publisher for standing by her side, supporting her and just getting real with the fact that she needed to stop pushing the date and make her book go live.
3 – Simple Steps Self – Publishing with Major Success
Start writing – This is not an option. Write daily and strategically.
Research and Select a Publisher/Editor. (This is very important and a necessity in publishing. You don’t want to publish a sloppy book with poor grammar)
Apply for your ISBN Number
BONUS: Design, Distribute and Sell
We asked Angie what she would say to support someone who is thinking about writing their first book,
“First if we believe in ourselves, that we can do it, it will happen, that’s the first step. To not listen to someone else who is telling you it can’t be done. I think a lot of times we hear that only because in that specific person’s journey, they didn’t complete what they started and they want to detour you in your journey or passion. To believe in yourself and never give up,” shared Angie.

Judge Me Wrong: Finding Truth Through Life Defining Moments Right in Front of Your Face a pleasant reminder that, YOU ARE NOT ALONE during those dark times, even though it can easily feel that way. This book whole heartily focuses on and supports the reader to gain leverage in finding their true self, forgiveness and self – love.
One of the most unexpected things Angie has learned along the way, “That it is OK to make mistakes and nothing is ever perfect. A lot of times we go through life expecting this or that to be perfect, life is not set up like that. In life we must dot our I’s and cross our T’s – “Sure” but if you forget to put the ‘i’ before ‘e’ that it’s ok. Life will go on,” Angie shared.

The circle of friendship with trust, love, respect and support is something so incredibly special. We laughed with Angie as the circle does NOT have to be big to have those solid friendships built on a strong foundation. Angie’s insight into her own relationships is truly touching, tune in to hear more here.
Angie’s Red Bra Moment: “Courage. The moment I chose to make my dreams a reality and have the courage to be transparent in telling and writing my story,” Angie said.
Thank you so much Angie for sharing your motivational & inspiring story with us! We know your story and book is going to help to inspire & empower so many of our youth who could really use to hear your story. Keep on going and sharing your message with the world, we need you! Xx
Here’s where to connect with the amazing Angie B
@helloangieb on IG, Twitter
FB: JudgeMeWrong
Episode 51 – Judge Me Wrong With Angie B. on The Red Bra Project YT Channel
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project