You know that feeling when you meet someone for the first time and you find yourself wanting to surround yourself more with their positive energy, perspective and the sense of warm sunshine they are personally radiating? Not even over exaggerating, that is EXACTLY how we felt about the brilliant Dr. Summer Watson when she joined us on The Red Bra Project as our guest highlight for episode 52.
While we’re going to share as much as we can here through words, this is one energetic & uplifting conversation you will most definitely want to catch the replay on as we know you will be able to feel the vibe, even through the screen.. Summer wears many hats such as a doctor of psychology, author, podcaster, producer of women empowerment documentaries and owner & creator of KORE Women – a coaching and producing company that supports women in creating their dreams and a life they love.
We open our chat with Summer actually talking about the current “normal” we are experiencing in the world right now and how processing and dealing with COVID – 19 as a nation is impacting everyone differently. Summer shares some helpful insights & her perspective on how to manage the roller coaster so to speak. Routines, alternating schedules and what the literal difference is between the two. The beauty about a routine is that it is not a one size fits all and doesn’t have to be – you design it to fit what you need. Then, when the schedule changes or may be forced to change – the routine(s) we have come to rely on can be shifted to what is needed now.
After touching on real life current events at the moment, we dive into learning about Summer’s initial path along the law school route, how it felt out of alignment to her and when she knew she had to make a change.
Summer shares some insight into her upbringing. Californian born and raised, Summer grew up with a very independent personality. She graduated from Berkeley, attended law school out east, achieved her goal and then was faced with the reality that after all that and all those years, ….law school may not be what was in her heart of cards.
She shares with us what it was like as she recognized that tugging feeling, returned back west and listened. In her gut, she knew she was doing the right thing by listening to that little voice, even though parts were uncomfortable. Summer wanted to help & support people, but she was realizing it was not necessarily within the path of law and it was time to address it. While her boyfriend at the time ended up going to the Marine Corps, Summer worked various jobs in California while he was off. When he returned, they married. For the next 20 years, Summer traveled the country & world as a military spouse. During this time, Summer continued her studies, expanding her education and working in non – profit, for profit, mental health hospital(s) and gaining an exponential amount of experience within education, community collaborations, working with people supporting, helping & serving. After 20 years of traveling while living on a small island outside of Japan, Summer then came to another pivotal point when she hit pause from travel, work, essentially all of the things so she could hear the internal question….”what do I really want to do here” which turned out was the ACTUAL burning question.
She made the choice to return home, to California – Newport Beach to be exact, which is not a bad place to hang out ;-), take a little break and spend some time with her girlfriends. The group of women very near & dear to Summer’s heart as they are her sorority sisters. They got together casually to laugh, be with one another and share stories. Yes, there was the juggling of schedules and career / life responsibilities, but the women came together and were filled with energy, love, light and empowerment. At that moment, Summer knew that was what she was meant to do – bring this, THIS exact experience to more people. Which is how KORE Women was born in the fall of 2018.
“KORE Women provides a unique idea of “home” for the hearts and souls of women. We are a company that brings women together, so that they can develop and share their strength, energy, wisdom and authenticity with one another. We serve women through various stages of life, backgrounds and cultures. We offer enriching and energetic experiences, where women develop strategies to reach their goals and to develop their KORE Women relationships,” Summer shared.
KORE Women brings people together where women can kinetically connect:
K – Kinetically Connect (how do we stop & connect)
O- Organically Learn From One Other (Interaction)
R – Reshape Our Lives Through Diverse Interaction
E – Energize One Another & Promote One Another
Summer opens up a little deeper sharing a bit of her relationship with her mom. Summer’s mom raised her on her own, was a very strong woman and always instilled in Summer that, if you put action behind your dreams, you can do anything that you set your mind to. Reflecting back to little Summer at just six months old, Summer courageously shares that she had a hole in her small intestine and became septic. Her young Mom at 19 kept taking her second born little one to the hospital only to be continuously sent home with the report of “nothing is wrong, it is just the flu,” which led to Summer becoming septic & months of surgery. The doctors told Summer’s mom that they had done everything they could, that was it. Summer shares that her mom walked into the room, saw the doctors around the crib holding hands and praying. They told her mom that “this” was the last thing they could do for her baby. It turns out Summer was her miracle baby. Summer knows down deep from that experience there is a purpose for her to be here and to give back – she keeps that in her heart, always. Even with all of the surgeries in her life that came down the road later, she always goes back to that story as a beautiful reminder of strength and her purpose.
“Really, I just absolutely love the idea of KORE Women. I love the idea of being able to give back. I love the idea of bringing women together. And so after I had that “aha moment” after traveling around for 20 something years and really lifting my husband up and following his career and being that good military spouse and you know, I thought there are different times in my life when I’ve had different support groups, and they were all women,” Summer said. She realizes her experiences have ALL been a part of her mission all along and she is very aware & grateful for that inner perspective.
Since Summer was a little girl, one of her favorite authors has always been Hans Christian Anderson who wrote, The Little Match Girl & The Ugly Duckling both of which inspired her at a young age to want to make a positive impact in the community.
“There are different struggles, different things. But still through it all, I am able to look back and think, I made it, I’ve done this. I can tell this story because I am not alone, we all have our struggles, we all have our journeys and you know, we can get through it. Just like now, like this time,” Summer said. (ohhhh we looooove THIS)
In case you are wondering if and how you can be a part of KORE Women through the community, coaching, podcasts – you can. You can literally plug in and connect with Summer from anywhere in the country. Technology is amazing and the power of connection is both inspiring & empowering. Having the opportunity to do so from anywhere is life changing.
We promise you, Summer’s story is one to inspire, uplift, motivate and light a fire in you. She continues on to talk about how EVERYONE has transferable skills — which is SO important right now in this current world environment. We all have a basket of tools and have the ability to use them to create what we want as long as we have the desire to do so. She breaks down a few of the steps and strategy behind pivoting due to a situation that is different & unique including the very important difference between a response and reaction in which she shares with us in episode 52. (Caution: watching this story may cause you to go out, put action behind your goals and create your success! Because you absolutely CAN.)

As we mentioned earlier, Summer is also an author with her first actual published book called, F*ck Yeah! Get Real with Strong Language, which is a strategic approach to understanding your personal beliefs and values. In the book, Summer shares strategy behind why strong language is used and why it is important to notice how it feels– diving into social issues behind the use of strong language which also connects to truly understanding your core personal values. She poses some fantastic questions based on what we have learned from our childhood on to help really hone in on exactly what our most important beliefs & values are. Which of course relates to interaction with others, relationships and so much more! You have to at least read the reviews on Amazon right here if you are looking for next good read in the personal development department – they are great!
Summer’s Red Bra Moment: When I was putting out my college applications. I ended up getting accepted to all schools except one. I really wanted to go to a beach town college, similar to where I grew up. When I got accepted to Berkeley, I chose there. My grandfather, a business man strongly agreed. The first semester was the hardest flipping semester, ever. I thought I was going to lose it. My Mom was going through some difficult times. I was going back and forth from school to work trying to help support her, working 30 hours a week, taking 17 credits a semester. I was trying to find my place, to fit in, going to different events and clubs looking at who I could connect with. Then I found my sorority. The women there were just amazing, I felt like I was back at home. Again, when I go back to these instances of where I find home, I go back to the mission of KORE Women. That was my Red Bra Moment, pull up those boot straps, get your sh*# together and go, do it. Do it even though you are scared, work through it.
“If you have a dream, you put action to those dreams. Don’t just sit there, don’t wallow, don’t get stuck in the mud. Seriously figure out action. Ask someone “what can I do” ask for help. But seriously, put action behind what inspires you,” she said.
Graduation from Berkeley was the start of many, many Red Bra Moments for Summer.
Thank you so much Summer for sharing your motivational & inspiring story with us! Your mission, story and book are truly inspiring and empowering so many people out there. Keep on going, the world needs you! We are always cheering you on. Xx
Here’s where to connect with the amazing Dr. Summer Watson
F*ck Yeah! Get Real with Strong Language on Amazon
Episode 52 The Red Bra Project YT – How to Pursue Your Deepest Passions No Matter the Circumstance
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project