This week’s ah – mazing Red Bra Highlight is coming to us from the UK! We are so excited to introduce freelance viola player, Heather Hawken to you and to share Episode 53 with you on The Red Bra Project. Sit down, relax and enjoy with us as Heather joins from Cardiff, Wales to share her passion, story and personal mission within the freelance classical music industry.
Heather personally believes in the massive power of helping others. She feels that by withholding guidance, insight and etc. among the freelance industry, specifically within her industry of classical music doesn’t necessarily pay off. She chooses to make the choice of paying it forward and is sharing all the how’s, why’s and insight into collaboration over competition. Yassss!!! We looooove that perspective.
“The power of believing in someone is so huge and life changing,” Heather shares.
Originally born in Oxford, but a resident of Cardiff for nine years now, Heather studied the viola (the one that is a little bit bigger than a violin in the orchestra ;-)) at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and has been working as a freelance viola player for nearly five years now. Music has been a part of her life though since she could barely walk at the very young age of three years old. Heather is the youngest of four siblings all very close in age together. The eldest being the first to start exploring the wonderful world of music and the rest of the siblings fell into music alongside of him.

At three years old, Heather told her Mom, “I’m going to learn violin, now!” Which is where it all began.
Heather spent the next many years learning the violin up until the point in which her teacher suggested Heather start to learn the viola – and she loved it! Heather’s parents, a physicist and biologist are not musicians by trade – but were always ever so supportive during the time, including lessons and commitments that were needed for all four children. Heather shares that music did consume a lot of her childhood as she also played the piano & bassoon. She hit a place in her teenage years when she was rebelling a bit against the thought of everyone expecting her to do music and took a break for a few years until she started back up at the age of 16, when she was ready to dive back in for herself and no one else.
Heather shares that the very nature of her industry is extremely competitive as musicians are constantly auditioning for different positions. There is a scarcity mindset almost that if a musician shares some of their own experience or provide guidance, then they won’t have as many options for work – the competition will be higher. When Heather was first starting out and realizing this mindset she shares that it was quite a mind field for her to wrap her mind around. No one was talking about how much they were getting paid, what they were feeling, how auditions felt emotionally – which can be an emotional roller coaster in itself. She discovered that if people aren’t talking about it, there is a big mis- conception out there that everyone has it together on the outside – when the reality is that everyone is being faced with similar emotions and feelings throughout the freelance music industry. Everyone starts out with the first step, everyone goes through the high – pressure situations, everyone experiences feelings – it is human and Heather has done an amazing job of bringing those experiences to the forefront and is candidly speaking about them offering support, a positive mindset and guidance to others by sharing her own experience(s). In which she does through her IG page and has a really engaging YouTube Channel in which she shares a broad spectrum of topics openly sharing her own experiences, key learnings and tips that could be helpful to not only freelancers who are musicians, but everyone.

Of course we talk about fear and how Heather navigates it. First of all, it has to be acknowledged, she said. “I think it is more a case of how you package up that fear can change your life, really. Our bodies physically don’t know the difference between an excitement and a nervous reaction. It is how we package up that adrenaline in how we change that mindset,” Heather said. That right there is pure gold.
To break down the idea of fear in such black and white is truly empowering. Heather proudly shares that she gets paid to do something she loves, if she messes up – it’s ok, she trusts that she will work to do better next time.
Absolutely she experiences fear – auditioning is terrifying, but she realized that she has control over how she channels those feelings. “What other job ends in applause” is a thought one of her teaches shared with Heather at one point in her journey.
One of Heather’s best pieces of advice she has been given: “You won’t get anything you’re not ready for. Nothing has every comforted and yet motivated me more. So if I’m every there, frustrated that something hasn’t happened yet, I focus on what I could be doing to get myself ready. Because once I am, it’ll happen.”
Heather’s Red Bra Moment:
In London, we have this incredibly famous hall, The Royal Albert Hall where musicians play. I have actually never stepped foot into the hall, or attended a concert there, it just naturally and genuinely worked out that way. As my career started getting going, I developed a pipe dream that the first time I would enter that building is when I would be stepping out on the stage as a paid performer. I was able to do just that – which was the most incredible feeling. It was a concert dedicated to James Horner who composed the music for Avatar amongst other things. So, we were playing the most incredible music to a sold out Albert Hall with various celebrities dotted around and, ya just being on that stage and thinking the first time I am experiencing this hall is standing on the stage and realizing that YES, if I really want to do something, I really can.
Thank you so much Heather for sharing your motivational & inspiring story with us! We are so with you – there IS enough for everyone, together we can rise. We love that you are such a positive light and resource in your industry. Your fun loving spirit and passion is so contagious. Keep on going, the world needs you! We are always cheering you on. Xx
Hit play and get to know Heather’s fun, driven & outspoken personality, her story and hear her amazing Red Bra Moment — we feel that even if you don’t work in the music or entertainment industry, you, too can benefit from her message of the power of belief, sharing, kindness and community over competition.
Ready is a lie and you CAN do it!
Here’s where to connect with the beautifully talented Heather Hawken and she encourages everyone to please DO reach out with any questions, she is more than happy to chat!
Episode 53 – with Heather Hawken on The Red Bra Project YT Channel
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project