Have you ever felt like you “should” be happy but just can’t escape that tugging feeling of sadness, overwhelm and emptiness inside of you? Do you feel like you would give anything for just a few minutes with someone who could help guide you? Offer a perspective from experience, listen to your concerns that can not only identify with that feeling that is literally pulling you down but help you to shift it into feeling fulfilled and joyful, instead?
Have you ever felt stressed out, anxious and unhappy regardless that on the outside it looks like you have everything and more a woman could ask for? If you are wishing to just push the restart button and have another chance to not only discover your deepest desires, but to bring them to life – you have to meet our Red Bra guest highlight, Veronika Winski!
Veronika shares her story in Episode 61 with us about how and why she broke free from the corporate life over a decade ago. Since then she has been helping other corporate women to recondition unhealthy mindsets and behaviors to step into their dream life. It is literally an awakening process that Veronika helps to guide her clients on to their purpose driven paths highlighting their brightest talents and abilities opening doors to opportunities, growth, fulfillment and joy.
Before we can even dive into her story, she shares with us an immediate example of how everything in life, every choice, every single thing makes an imprint on your mind, brain & both conscious & sub – conscious. Veronika’s background in our interview is of a gorgeous beach that serves as a reminder to her of the life she had “planned” for pre – Covid for 2020. Goosebumps. To hear her explain the major importance of visualization and the role it plays in imprinting is powerful.
Now of course back to Veronika’s story. There is always a story to be told about how our guest(s) went from then to now. How their choices and often tough decisions through times of what felt like utter destruction in their life shaped, molded and prepared them for what was on the other side.
Veronika’s story began in Poland…
Her heart was made for dreaming at a very young age. Growing up in Communist Poland opened Veronika’s heart to community, creativity & connection. Instead of watching the latest Hollywood movie or buying a video game or hottest new toy, they connected. Uniquely enough, Veronika was actually born in the United States and had an American passport. Again, shaping her from a very young age, Veronika remembers traveling all over the world. Which, combined with her young lifestyle described above led to a big, wide view of the world all with a commonality of connecting with people and a heart for community at the forefront of her heart & young soul.
Right before those super impressionable high school years, Veronika & her family moved to the US. She knew she would miss her friends & community deeply, but the excitement of new possibilities flooded her heart. Starting new schools, a new environment, new neighborhood – all of it was so energizing for both her and her brother. Then, a short three months later Veronika’s world was completely different and shaken up by the sudden death of her father. They felt alone without him and even more so in a whole new world, to them at least. Veronika was shattered and started to drift.
The years passed and as she completed high school then college she would try to really be aware of what opportunities were available to her. She remembers from a young age thinking and saying she wanted to be a “professional advice giver.” She felt she knew exactly how to help people, it was just that easy. Then, as we tend to do, we grow up and over complicate things as adults. So as Veronika was figuring out which way she “should” go, the term, American Dream kept popping up. Veronika reflects back to a conversation with a college counselor of her’s, “What I would really love to do in life is to help people create change through how they behave, think & feel. I was told I would need to have a PHD in Psychology in order to do that and I believed it. I decided to take a completely different route studying International Business with a minor in Psychology,” Veronika shared. This conversation not only re-directed Veronika’s action plan it kicked off Veronika’s career in International Business and stepping into the corporate world. She was hired by an International Company. With the experience came lots of money that she was earning as well as gaining more experience. On the outside, it appeared that she should be happy – she had great success, living in southern California, traveling, could buy nice things, but what she didn’t have was time. She was working all of the time. Veronika realized that even though on the outside, everything appeared amazing, she wasn’t feeling aligned, something was missing.
“Sometimes it takes just that one moment that begins the ripple effect that changes the trajectory of your life forever,” Veronika shared. For her, it was a book. Veronika vividly remembers flying cross country as an Executive Account Manager she read, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. She admits, it was more like she was “remembering” as she read, nothing like she read before. That book ignited the awakening of her entrepreneurial spirit and that very passion that she shared with her college guidance counselor years ago.
She was reminded of THAT feeling, THAT passion, THAT dream and it was the beginning of the ripple effect wave for Veronika.
Collectively, Veronika talks about taking advantage of the current shifts right now. That THIS is the time to rise up and step into your purpose. Globally there is a lot of change and reinvention happening right now and embracing those energies are so important.
Veronika is totally grateful for her “life’s wipe outs” that led her to exactly where she is right now. One of the bigger life wipe outs (we all have many!) for Veronika was in 2008 during the last economic downturn where she lost her job, property, saving(s) and more. That particular life wipe out turned out to be an opportunity to rebuild from the foundation up. Absolutely, life wipe outs SUCK and it can feel like you are drowning – Veronika reminds us all that there will be a time when it passes and you will get to the other side. She says, “look at me!” I am proof.

A crucial decision for Veronika was choosing to be “open” — to be open to opportunities to make money, for her heart & mind to be open. She shares that in that very choice of being open led to doors beginning to open. Clarity compliments being open. Mmm, like chips & salsa. 😉 We have a laugh as she shares that when she was first stating out, she said she wanted to be a business owner because she knew she didn’t want to work for anyone else – she received a business alright and also learned the great lesson of getting absolutely clear about what she wanted. Which is now all a part of how she guides her Clients. The whole scoop is in the replay of convo, right here!
One of the best pieces of advice she has ever received was from one of her first Business Coache’s that she hired. Ultimately it was exactly what she needed to hear at the time and kept it on repeat, “If you have a product or a service that can help people, you CAN create a business from that!” Veronika heard that and was sold. The beginning ripple was created from her first few decisions and it kept growing bigger with each choice from that point forward.
Once Veronika opened herself up to this new energy, things started happening faster and doors continued to open one after another. She knew in her heart she had to teach others about how to create, how to tap into this energy and she launched her business three months later. She couldn’t wrap her mind around why this wasn’t being taught in school, it is such a key part of development. Veronika identified a need, recognized her own experience(s) and vowed to help others, hence The Dream Life Formula was born.
We asked Veronika to dive a little deeper and share with all of our viewers what exactly does it mean to “be open” how? She talked about that split second and how to learn to identify that specific feeling, then to keep building it like a muscle so it gets stronger. Most importantly, do NOT let the Drunk Monkey talk us OUT of the good stuff. Her Drunk Monkey analogy is spot on! Listen in to hear this all make complete sense and start using Veronika’s tip(s), right now.

“It is the most humbling experience and a natural high when I help my Clients. It blows my mind on the possibilities when you say “yes” to yourself and take that leap, your whole life changes,” shared Veronika. We absolutely loved hearing about a Client of Veronika’s that just launched her business at the age of 75. She is rocking it, making money, following her passion and helping others. Here’s the thing though, this Client sat on her idea & dream for three years before she was “ready” to take the leap. When she finally did, in just a few months the energy that she was open to started to flow. She currently has a steady, free five day program offered to women in their sixty’s and beyond in creating sustainable health so they are there for their kids & grand kids. Such a cool story!
Ready is a lie as the amazing Angie Lee reminds us. Ya just gotta do it!
“I see a lot of women who I work with are more mature women and they inspire me because they show me how much is possible. They are breaking their old patterns in things they have been doing that are unhealthy for over 50 years. All because they are open. They are allowing me to help them to clear out all of the old things,” Veronika radiantly gushed.
Veronika works by her guidance and offers free group programs and works with Clients 1:1. She helps them to reinvent themselves, helps them to remember why they came “here” and how to attract that into their life with as much ease as possible. When she works with her clients 1:1 she helps them to clear out the old ways and create a new foundation to help allow a more fulfilling and joyous life to be created and remain present.
Veronika shares, “My biggest changes happen when I get uncomfortable and say yes. We all need someone to guide us along and that is something I didn’t realize working in corporate.”
Veronika gives a heart felt shout out to a woman who has stood behind her, always, reminded her that age IS just a number and shares such a beautiful energy with her, always – her Momma! Yay, mom!
Veronika’s Red Bra Moment: One of the biggest Red Bra moments was the first time I stepped in to lead my group for the first time. I was thinking, this is it, what I’ve put out there. I want to share my knowledge with others on how to share their lives. Stepping in and being present. It was one of those moments that felt scary but was good, it was really happening. It was a full room and I made this happen!
Thank you so much for joining us and sharing your inspiring story, Veronika! Your energy is infectious and smile, radiant. When you tune in, be sure to stay to the end of the interview for a little extra behind the scenes footage as I thought I hit “stop” but we were still rolling! Ahhhh, we love Red Bra Firsts of all shapes & sizes. 😉
Here’s where to connect with the brilliant, humble & kind Veronika Winski:
The Dream Life Formula on FB
The Dream Life Formula Website
Episode 61 –How to Tap Into Creating a Successful, Fulfilling, Abundant Career with Veronika Winski
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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