A Journey of Perseverance Through Barriers, Adversity & Non – Traditional Roles with Margie Crowe

You are going to absolutely love our Red Bra guest this week and her story of perseverance, standing up for voices that need to be heard and overcoming barriers, especially…

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Stepping Out of The Shadows and Breaking the Silence After 5 Decades with Shabnam Samuel

"We all have the right to exist and no one should ever take that away from you in the name of culture, family name, kids, spouses, or any other reason.…

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How to Get Fired Back UP in your Mind, Heart & Soul for Success & Happiness Keenya Kelly

We have been crushing for a while now on this week’s guest, Keenya Kelly! You will soon understand why. From her infectious smile, high vibe positive energy and genuine authenticity…

Continue ReadingHow to Get Fired Back UP in your Mind, Heart & Soul for Success & Happiness Keenya Kelly