If there’s champagne & karaoke involved, sign us up! Episode 38 belongs to the lovely, hilarious and authentically personable, Sarah Ford known in the Instagram world as @bitchybutbubbly. Sarah’s a lawyer by career, blogger & confidence diva by choice empowering women through her witty humor, real self and ability to share life as it is. Nope, not always sprinkles & cupcakes and often needs a side of karaoke & some champagne to wash it down. Sarah is absolutely the woman you need in your life to tell you like it is and support you like no other.
When we asked our Red Bra Project guest, Sarah what truly gets her excited about life and her response was, “Karaoke, champagne, traveling, beautiful words, quiet time on the water, performing in my car on my commute & authentic weirdos who get me” we instantly fell in love with her personality, outlook on life and that ray of sunshine she is bringing to all who know her!
Sarah shares a bit of her past with us about how honored she is to today be a victims’ right Attorney. Sarah knows that she couldn’t do what she does without the experiences she has had. She opens up about being sexually assaulted in law school, never disclosing to law enforcement and how that has helped her to be able to truly relate to so many of her Client’s on such a deep level. “It’s a privilege to stand with these woman,” she said. Sarah pours her words & heart out on her own website, Bitchy But Bubbly in a blog post where she talks about what it was like to carry shame with her for years after her own sexual assault and what she did to overcome it, expose it and release the guilt & shame. If you have every been there or maybe are now, this is a post that truly hits all of the sensitive spots talking about what it is like to live with the burden of such and how it feels to own your worth again. It’s, fantastic – we’ve linked it right here for you.

So what’s the deal with Bitchy but Bubbly? For Sarah, it’s an attitude. During a warm – up intro circle (you know those ice breaker intros we all looooove so much) Sarah chimed in with not the usual My name is, I’m from, I like, etc….she opened with, “Really, I’m bitchy, but bubbly, really! Sometimes I’m bubbly and sometimes not.” Bold opening & LOVE it – how many of us can relate?! Life’s a balance and it’s OK to own it! Sarah showers us with true southern ya’ll(s) throughout the show as she is based out of beautiful South Carolina and her southern charm shines through & through.
Our conversation led to self – care and what works for her, especially in such a high energy & level career. As she was sharing the importance of working in self care and how she supports her team to do so we learned lake life is definitely a must, the water, fresh air & sunshine, but then all of a sudden she starts pulling something into the camera’s view and it is a microphone + stand! Turns out, she was filming with us in her Karoke room! Music is her mood changer and the huge speaker & microphone is at the ready for whenever she needs to lift herself up! A little old school Reba McEntire and Fleetwood Mac can really be a game changer!
Blogging for Sarah started when she was a Prosecutor a couple of years ago. She really enjoyed the creative outlet outside of her career that blogging offered her. She simply started blogging about things she enjoyed writing about. With a love for storytelling & words Sarah realized the power of connection through sharing some of the things we often don’t like about ourselves; because as it turns out, that’s what many people will connect with. Her hope is to help others through her personal shares and she enjoys it every step of the way.

Shout out to Sarah’s little brother who shared one of the best pieces of advice she has been given. “If you don’t think you’re a 10, who will?” – a wise man (aka Sarah’s little brother!) It all starts with you. Sarah came across this quote on her younger brother’s Facebook page and is has stuck with her years later. Hmmmm, if you had to rate yourself today on a scale from 1 – 10, what would you give yourself?
“Being authentic and showing who you are while not being ashamed of it whether you are excited or happy or sad or anxious, just not being ashamed of all those things that society may teach us to be,” Sarah shares. Sarah actually wears a necklace that says “Anxiety” and she embraces it, not ashamed by it. You have to listen to her why behind it in our chat, it truly will resonate with you.

Having always been a little bit of rebel, Sarah talks about the value of knowing your worth whether it’s a no make – up / ponytail day or if you feel like Beyonce. Again, it all starts with you. The most unepected thing Sarah has learned along the way is: no one knows what the hell they’re doing in life. “We are winging it in life and doing the best we can, we are ALL doing OK. There’s no road map to life. Enjoy it. Know that every day is a gift,” Sarah shared.
Sarah’s Red Bra Moment: “Sharing my blog posts. In the moments I can connect with people as my authentic self, telling them who I really am – that’s a red bra moment for me. It’s been a blessing for me to have my Red Bra on and on in so many different areas of my life.”
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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Renee & Shawna