We are absolutely thrilled to share this week’s guest with you all and highlight her, her strength, her story and perspective on life in episode 42 of The Red Bra Project. Allow us to welcome the beautifully talented, driven & inspirational Andromeda Raheem! Before we dive in, have to mention that we had a blast with my guest co – host, Jessica Abreu and previous Red Bra Guest (Episode 30) . She stepped out of her comfort zone and was fabulous! Yeah girl! Ok, here we go…
One look at Andromeda’s IG account and you will be hooked. Her movement and the way she is empowering women is so much deeper than the IG feed – while it’s a good preview, there is so much more. This isn’t just a rah, rah, feel good account – this is a space where authenticity shines through. The tough stuff, the celebrations, the highs & lows – all pointing to a similar message; there WILL be challenges, set backs ARE going to happen, people may NOT always support you, but YOU have everything it takes to keep going and here’s why…Ohhh wait, you didn’t think I was going to spoil it all did you? Too good not to listen in for yourself, but here’s a few highlights to get us started…
Now, Andromeda of course just didn’t wake up one day and poof she was instantly a passionate writer, purpose – driven empowerment coach, motivational speaker, and author. She made decision after decision that led her to where she is today and she worked for it and does daily. She gives us an intimate look into where she was five years ago and a few significant events that happened along the way.
Five years ago you would have found Andromeda finishing up school, followed by working as an Accountant in Florida. She was literally going through the motions, chasing the money and feeling like she was meant for more than just crunching numbers. Writing has always been a passion of Andromeda’s and knowing that she decided to start a blog called Women By Choice which was about her journey into becoming a women and definitely knowing everything there is to know at the age of 18. I mean, didn’t we all think we had it mostly figured out at the amazing young age of 18? 😉
As her blog grew and she did, Andromeda felt like she wanted to inspire women more and truly help them to evolve confidently to not only achieve their own dreams, but to empower others along the way. She started to post excerpts from her blog on IG with an attempt to increase the traffic to her website. This led to an “ah – ha” moment as Andromeda identified that she was NOT alone with their thoughts. Women were connecting back with her, sharing and asking her, “How do we become part of your movement?” Thinking to herself, woah, I have movement?!?! Andromeda kept going, kept following her instinct and sharing from her soul. As her blog gained traction, she was asked to be a key note speaker. Despite the fact that she had NEVER spoken in public except when required in her college courses which was nerve – wrecking she did just that, she said, YES! Nervous and on the verge of tears in front of 100 women she took the stage. Andromeda stepped up with confidence and spoke with assertiveness. Granted it was like she was having an out of the body experience (her own words) after she had finished, the audience rose to their feet and gave her a standing ovation. She knew then she was destined to be a speaker as well and was so proud that she rose to the challenge, which is a promise to herself she intends on keeping – always.
Fast forward to this past May when Andromeda decided to re-brand her business to She Wins Society. Of course there were people who checked in with her to make sure that was the move she really wanted to make as she had just spend FIVE years building her previous brand. While she appreciated the concern, once again her vision was crystal clear and she knew she was ready for this next step. “I want to focus more on other women and help them to get to the place to gain the confidence, feel great about where they are and where they can support other women.” With that, SHE WINS was born.
In – between all of this incredible growth & evolution life happened, obviously! We asked Andromeda to share with us if self – doubt ever crept in or if she ever second guessed what she was doing. She shares with us that once her & her husband decided that they would be able to go down from 2 incomes to 1 so Andromeda could focus on building her company & brand. Within a year her husband lost his job and they were at ZERO income(s). Talk about an obstacle. Andromeda toyed with the idea of doing something part – time, but just couldn’t commit to it and give up on what she knew in her gut was her purpose. She knew she HAD to make it happen. For six months she & her husband lived with an older relative which was an incredibly humbling experience. One, moving in with a relative as a grown adult (remember the same woman who had everything figured out at the age of 18 ;-)) and this new home didn’t have Wifi! Every morning, Andromeda could be found at the nearest coffee shop from open to close just so she could work on her business. Her decision was reconfirmed when she launched her FIRST online program and made $800.00! What IF she would have quit her journey and picked up a job to pay the bills…what an incredible example of not QUITTING, of continuing to do the work and showing up every day, even when it was really hard.
Andromeda shares that she knows she had to go though what she did to evolve to where she is now today. Her choices, her path, everything that happened was right, for her. Every experience, every challenge, everything that didn’t come to her on her timeline was for a reason. Which actually leads us to a fun fact that we love and The Red Bra Project can relate to. She makes all of her own content, quotes and blog posts based on her own experiences, authenticity and being as real as can be. “We have to embrace our trials, even when they are painful,” Andromeda shares.
We fell head over heels with Andromeda’s Definition of Winning: “Doing the best you can with what you have at the time.” Gahhh, so good, right? Talk about empowering. Things change and often quickly Today can literally look so much more different than tomorrow, than 30 days, six months, a year from now. But, if you are doing the absolute best you can with have at the time, then You. Are. Winning. Boom. Period, the end.
The best piece of advice Andromeda has learned along the way: “Release your attachment to the outcome.” Once she heard this, she grasped onto the concept and it makes so much sense. Often we can get all wound up with if something isn’t happening exactly how we would like it to our on our timeline that we don’t leave any room for creativity, for other ways for the end result to happen. Letting go of control can not only be so freeing, but can lead to creative solutions and new doors opening. We know, we know – easier said than done sometimes, but with practice it can become more of a natural process.
Andromeda’s Red Bra Moment: Facing her fear of failure by sharing her failure openly with others. Recently, while Andromeda & She Wins Society has had countless successful events, she made the very tough decision to cancel one. Many happenings led up to this choice and while it wasn’t easy, it was the right thing to do. Then, she shared vulnerably about it and you know what – she tore off the band – aid and survived. Actually, she chose to use it as a teaching moment to learn herself and teach others. Yesss, Andromeda – so much respect for this!

Get allll of Andromeda’s story with The Red Bra Project, Episode 42. I mean, when we end our conversation with virtual hugs, you know it’s gotta be powerful! We have no doubt you will walk away feeling amazing after catching the replay!

Here’s where to connect with Andromeda:
Episode 42 on The Red Bra Project
Free Class: Become Your Best Self
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project