Have you ever met someone and IMMEDIATELY felt a connection? The energy is vibrant, the conversation flows, the laughs are loud and maybe even a tear formed all in a matter of minutes.
That is exactly how we felt about Melody Pourmoradi from Life Evolutions when we had the chance to chat with her. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that our missions are in such alignment with one another or that her radiant personality can be sensed virtually, either way – the vibe was ahhh – mazing during our interview! We were SO delighted to go behind the scenes with Melody, learn all about The GiRLiFE Empowerment Series and bring it to you! It is that good, promise!
Before we jump into exactly what this powerful movement is and how it is helping to change the lives’ of young girls across the globe, come along with us for a second. Think back to when you were a young child…
Did you ever feel fear and anxiety for things you had no control over and didn’t know how to process or what to do with those feelings?
Did you ever struggle with not feeling good enough or accepted? Perhaps you stuffed down emotions because you didn’t understand there was a way to work through them.
That what you had to say didn’t really matter? You would rather not risk sounding silly.
There can be so much pressure as a young girl, especially in today’s social media age – it can be overwhelming. It seems like in one moment life is carefree, hair blowing in the wind, wear whatever you want, laugh out loud without thinking about how it looked sweet innocent days are here and then one blink and it’s a memory. All of a sudden an invisible line is crossed at a certain age and all of these feelings, emotions and anxieties come flooding in.
Maybe there is a young girl in your life that comes to mind right now with these exact struggles…
Now, imagine if you had the tools (then) to learn how to cope with those emotions, how to process them and how to feel like you ARE enough, as that young girl. That young girl understands how to release the anxiety and fears and knows most importantly, there is a special gift right inside of her that will shine through once she believes it is there, it has always been there.
She has learned how to release the pressure of all of this.
What a relief. What a gift.
What a future ahead of her knowing how to work through these feelings as a young girl versus years down the road. She doesn’t have to struggle to find the answer.
That is exactly what Melody has created; a program that develops girl power into what later turns into women power. Sooo much yesssss!!!! The GiRLiFE Empowerment Series.

Melody is a wonderful mama of twin daughters, a Life & Wellness Coach, biz owner and creator of the GiRLiFE Empowerment Series. She reflects on her own young life experiences to create something that other young girls can connect to so they can realize all their power to love themselves and just how brilliant they are without comparing or feeling less than.
The goal of the GiRLiFE Empowerment Series program is to show young girls that everything they need is right inside of them, how to access it and how to truly embrace her very own innate superpowers and celebrate others around her. All while working towards putting a stop to the low self – esteem cycle through action and the leaders (YOU) that lead the way with a program that can be implemented in communities across the globe to create a positive ripple effect.
It all started four years ago when Melody was doing a local workshop in NY teaching girls how to access their superpowers. She was so jazzed teaching women how to do this, her thought was, what if we can teach girls as young as 4 & 5 years old how to love, honor & respect themselves while being kind to others & the world around them. Two weeks later, with the burning passion in her heart and a mission on her mind, she launched the GiRLiFE Empowerment Series and it was received with open arms and support. It bloomed.
The other exciting side of the GiRLiFE Empowerment Series program is choosing to become a leader and get involved as women. “Joining the program to learn how to teach these tools to our young girls of today truly develops a renewed sense of purpose,” Melody explains.
This is the perfect opportunity for someone who has been looking for something on a fundamental level to create a positive change for the future of our female youth, right in their own community. Changing lives for the better. The testimonials from young girls, parents & leaders are so touching. You have to see for yourself on Instagram @girlifeempowerment where girls who have been a part of the program share their stories in the highlights.
The below is just awesome….thank you, Melody for the gift. 😉
Melody’s gift to you: Join Melody from Life Evolutions and hundreds of others who’ve taken the 10 day Empow{her} Challenge, a completely free class that gives you 10 tools, tips, and strategies for building up your daughter. Join here.
Of course we have to share Melody’s Red Bra Moment: “Feel the fear and plow through, anyway,” Stepping out of her comfort zone to start The GiRLiFE Empowerment Series. She knew her message was bigger than the fear she felt and she believes so much in the mission & movement. (Yesssss!!!!! Melody we ARE cheering you on!)
We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level, we know it did, us! Feel free to share away.
Catch the replay on our YouTube Channel.

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Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated and have everything you need right inside. That red bra is always underneath it all. Join the party over @theredbraproject!
If you are interested in being featured, please reach out to us via our Contact page or send us an email: redbraproject@gmail.com, we’d love to hear from you.
Much Love,
Renee and Shawna