Allison Mathis Jones was our featured guest a couple of weeks ago and WOW, were we ever SO inspired by her story & journey. Allison is a curly hair girl, basketball wife, self love advocate, self proclaimed to – do list writing, perfectionist who has learned how to deal with her chronic anxiety through faith and self care. None to soon either. Allison, with her 28th birthday around the corner is also a brain tumor survivor. The first six months of her 2018 was not anything like she would have ever imagined – but, here she is sharing her story in such an inspiring and beautiful way on her IG page, in her life and now with us. We are honored to share a snippet with you, here!

In April of this year, Allison went in to see the doctor for what she thought was going to be a basic visit. She had been experiencing increased headaches / migraines and really didn’t give it a second thought. Until the doctor called her husband in and then broke the news to her. Allison could tell that something wasn’t right before the doctor said anything to her by the look on her husband’s face. It turned out that that the scan of her brain revealed a tumor. Before she knew it, Allison was quickly preparing for surgery. With only four months into 2018 this was not anything she thought she would be encountering. But, as we all know, life happens and how we respond is our choice.
Allison knew she had to be strong, not just for her – but for the people around her who were trying to put on the face of strength for her. During the months that led up to her diagnosis, she was beginning to discover how much stronger she wanted to pour into not just herself with self care, but her personal faith as well. She had been devoting much needed time to these two factors while working through managing her chronic anxiety. Listening to Allison share her story – it’s always interesting to hear how one is preparing for a challenge in life and may not even realize it at the time. While she had to be strong for the other people in her life while she battled the brain tumor, she also knew now how important is was for her to care for herself as well and to respect what her body & mind asking for.

The diagnosis, surgery and recovery all happened at lightning speed. We are so happy to share that Allison has made a FULL recovery. Talk about a whirlwind four months! Allison has just recently been cleared to travel again. Which, given her husband’s career – is something she always looks forward to. Yay, Allison! We are SO happy for you!
We at The Red Bra Project already decided we definitely have to have a part II with Allison to talk about her perspective on traveling so much and how she grew through living out of a suitcase in the early stages of her & her husband’s relationship. This beautiful woman has lived in Japan & Italy and isn’t even 30, yet!! Atlanta is where her & her husband are happily based out of for the time being.
Allison, living such a full and inspiring life whilst under the age of 30 – we had to ask, “What has been the most unexpected thing she has learned along the way?” Her response, “The most important thing I’ve learned in my journey is that there is nothing more valuable than peace. I was a giver for a long time – giving so much of myself to others, and while that’s great, it’s so important to protect your peace over all else.” Ohhhh my word, how many of us can relate to that sentence, right?!?! “Use your gifts, but don’t let your gifts use you,” Allison shares. Yes, we agree – totally on point with that statement.
We also learned that Allison and her Mom have a podcast together – -how cool is that?! Her Mom is definitely one of Allison’s biggest cheerleaders in life. Allison describes her as the most loyal and resilient person she knows.

Allison’s Red Bra Moment: For sure overcoming my brain tumor! Bouncing back the way that I have in such a short amount of time makes me feel like a superhero. Hell yes, absolutely Allison – we are so happy for you and what a journey!!
We fell in love with Allison from afar and were so honored to feature her! You have to check her loveliness and desire to inspire out all right here: @allisonmathisjones
Gahhh, and you know how we LOVE Red Bra firsts and breaking news – well, be on the look –out for Allison’s new candle line coming later this year. The concept is SO good! We chat about it a little here – catch the replay!

Thank you for stopping by, always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level, we know it did, us!

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Much love,
Renee & Shawna