What if you looked at the world as your canvas? Your chance to create anything you wanted, including a job that may not already be in existence? That is what our amazing guest this week, the beautiful and talented Mrs. Kay Hillman, did when she was consistently told time and time again she was over or under qualified for all of the positions she was considering. She took a minute to pause and say ok world if you aren’t going to provide me with the job I want, I’ll just go ahead and create it myself!

She had a small window of time every day that she was alone in her apartment and she knew she could just go cry on her bathroom floor while her roommate was away. She did that daily for almost entire semester until one day she got up, wiped the tears from her face, and said I’m not doing this anymore. She made the decision to finish the semester strong….with a 3.8 GPA…all while knowing she would not be returning back after the winter break. After finally having the dreaded conversations with family members that she would not be returning to med school, she was pleasantly surprised by the support they all showed her and she ended up attending grad school to become a teacher.
Kay believes she has a natural ability to teach. This was a passion of hers for a very long time, but every job interview she went on they told her that she was over qualified for the positions she wanted and she did not have enough teaching experience to be eligible. Hit with this repeated frustrating outcome, Kay states she felt like a failure with a capital “F”.

Kay is everything The Red Bra Project stands for in our mission. She is passionate about educating and supporting female creatives in their entrepreneurial journey. She is a multi-passionate creative that is always working on a new project and ready to collaborate with others. Kay believes in being consistent and hopes to show others that being an entrepreneur is worth the risk. She shares in her own recent blog post (http://mrskayh.com/how-constant-failures-led-to-my-breakthroughs/) that experiences that didn’t go the way she planned are not failures, but opportunities for growth.
Kay had so many great messages for our audience, but one in particular was when we asked her how she was able to do all of this and push through the fear. She explained that she wholeheartedly believes in doing things scared, because when you really thing about it fear and excitement are the same feeling. She encourages people to change their lens and their language and wants individuals to feel empowered to say I’m really excited about this instead of I am really scared about what could happen. She looks fear in the face and says not today, fear, today I choose to be excited!
We ask all of our guests what their Red Bra moment was for them and Kay put a great spin on it, she called it her “bathroom moment”. As mentioned above, her memorable moment was that instance she decided to pick herself up off the floor and not allow herself to be sad anymore. That moment she realized that she had the power to create the future she wanted to have and nothing was going to stop her.

To learn more about the AMAZING Kay Hillman feel free to watch her YouTube Episode with us on The Red Bra Project YouTube channel. You can follow her on social media at @mrskayhillman on Instagram. Her lifestyle blog, http://mrskayh.com/ or listen to her podcast, She’s a Creative.
Please share if this story inspired you or someone you know on some level, we know it did us. Always wear that red bra underneath it all, especially in those bathroom moments, and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!

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Much Love,
Renee & Shawna