Change EVERYTHING you know, because happiness matters more than being stuck in a career that isn’t bringing you daily joy. Many of us have probably had that same thought, but we let fear continuously stop us. For Christine Buzan and Audrey Stimpson though, fear is actually what drives them. They made the conscious decision to be the best versions of themselves and knew in order to achieve that goal they had to push past fear. They both subscribe to the idea that if it isn’t scary, then they’re not pushing themselves hard enough. They believe anything that is worthwhile is going to be hard. However, having said all that they wouldn’t change a thing about their journey and definitely would not have it any other way.

Before partnering together Christine was a high level executive working in the corporate world and Audrey was a freelance photographer. Although they both loved their jobs and the work they were doing they realized neither of them were truly happy.

On their episode, they both stated they get most excited seeing how the work they are doing gives others a voice, a platform, and an ability to succeed. Everyone has a story and they believe their role is to help them create and mold theirs. They love helping others define and fine tune what exactly their own story is. They wanted to feel empowered as women and in turn empower other women to find their voices. They help individuals learn their WHY and navigate their content.
Audrey + Christine align perfectly with the Red Bra Project because they are constantly looking for ways to lift women up. They both utilize their personal Instagram page about what they believe in, what challenges them, and what encourages them to keep going. Their personal Instagram is equally important to them because they want to be authentic and show that they are also living the lifestyle that they are selling. They both want to be inspirations that encourage other women to up their game in their life.

It was a moment where she finally became comfortable with who she was to the core. It was no longer based on societies limitations of how she was “supposed” to look. She embraced the women that she was.
Audrey’s moment stemmed from multiple struggles…non-stop struggles. She finally stopped though and realized the only person she needed was herself. She discovered as she describes it as self love. Audrey knows now that when you have lost everyone else and you are all that is left, that is your Red Bra moment. When you can look at yourself and say, “Ok I am me, I am here, and I love myself, and NOTHING else matters”.
If you didn’t have the chance to watch the episode live, no worries, but you HAVE to catch the replay!!! These ladies are honest, smart, funny, and not to mention BEAUTIFUL! The episode shares so many other take-a-ways like the story behind their red hair, projects that are in the works for them, their adorable cat, Lane, and so many other things. These women are truly infectious and are doing brave, amazing inspiring work. (Thank you Audrey and Christine for joining us and sharing your stories. Thank you for showing us that we are never stuck we just have to believe in ourselves enough to let our dreams happen!).
@madame_ostrich (Christine) and @modernfactorygirl (Audrey).
Or via their company Madison + Melrose: @madisonandmelrose,

Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated and have everything you need right inside. That red bra is always underneath it all. Join the party over @theredbraproject!
If you are interested in being featured, please reach out to us via our Contact page or send us an email:, we’d love to hear from you.
Much Love,
Shawna & Renee