“You know that feeling when you are feeling good about yourself, you have the right outfit on, your hair looks good, your make – up is on point, you walk into a room with a certain level of confidence, you feel like a bad – ass! It affects your day & eventually your whole life,” stated our latest and of course uber inspiring guest on The Red Bra Project Channel, Megan Ruffles. In her words, yep, just like the potato chips or ruffles on a dress, whichever you prefer! Renee, co – founder of The Red Bra Project supported Megan with a little outfit feature in our chat. Super cute, a little silly – catch the replay to find out!

“It is my mission to empower women by providing them with the tools they need to feel their best and style their lives,” Megan said. We told you you would love her just as much as we do!! “Let’s face it, when you feel good about yourself, you are more confident – and having more confidence will affect every single aspect of your life in a positive way. Nobody has a good time showing up at the ball in sweatpants,” she expressed.
Megan’s Tip: the fit is everything and can change a whole outfit from meh to WOW!

A Treat For You: Fashion 3peat…1 piece, 3 ways (and, other super affordable pieces in the post, too!)
We LOVED the idea of Megan’s Fashion 3peat series not only from a budget standpoint, but from a traveling and small closest perspective as well! (Helllo, #suitcase & #busliving = Renee). On her IG page, she actually spills about how she used a table runner as an accessory! Loving the creativity.
While it’s Megan’s mission to empower women by providing them with the tools they need to feel their best and style their lives, Megan reflected back on her journey with us a little bit. “I did not have a lot of confidence growing up. I was painfully shy and afraid to speak my mind or ask questions. I have also struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. Even at my thinnest, I always wanted to lose more weight. I thought my life could officially begin and great things would happen if I could just get skinny.” Oi, we all agreed there is so much value placed on the number on the scale or the clothing tag and learning to let that go is so incredibly freeing & powerful. When Megan decided to start her blog she actually spent a good year thinking about it. Then, after one supportive brunch out with girlfriends & mimosas she decided not to waste any more time and to JUST DO IT!

We asked Megan what works for her when it comes to pushing through fear, “I try really hard to remember this: if you don’t ask, the answer will always be no. So no matter how scared you are, you just never know what the answer will be. You have to try and just go for it.”
Once Megan took the leap, there was no turning back for her. At the top of her list of what excites her in life is helping people. Heart string alert…Megan shared with us the message she received from a woman saying that she was feeling bad about the sizes she was trying on in a dressing room, but then she remembered her (Megan)and thought, “you know what” I look good in these clothes! Who cares what size they are?!?!” – and THAT, that is creating a positive ripple effect! (We are so inspired, proud and excited to be a part of your world, Megan!! Keep it up, girl!)
Megan’s site is not only beautiful to read, but full of real life authenticity, wit and humor. I mean, with a name like The Chic(ish) Chick: [sheek-ish] + [chick: as in a baby chicken] how can you not feel like you’ve been friends forever, already.
Catch the replay here to find out why & how the name of her blog came about! Sign up for Megan’s emails, they are sure to inspire and bring you a couple of laughs, follow her @thechicishchick on IG, FB & Pinterest.
A quick shout out to the women in Megan’s life that she said have really been supporting her along the way: Her biggest fan, her Mom & Friend. Mary, Emily & P. Love the recognition and support, together we are better!
Megan’s Red Bra Moment: Starting her blog and speaking her voice. “I had no clue what I was doing in the beginning but took it step by step and figured it out along the way. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking about it and do.”

Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all show reminders and to catch the replays. We feature a variety of stories from incredible women all over the globe, supporting, connecting and empowering one another through our daily life challenges, successes and journeys to level UP and keep going!
If you are interested in being featured, please reach out to us via our Contact page or send us an email: redbraproject@gmail.com, we’d love to hear from you.
Renee & Shawna