Bold, brilliant, beautiful, are just a few words to describe our latest Red Bra guest, Tribel Nickerson. Tribel lives each and every day empowering, supporting and inspiring other women in her life. She literally walks her talk and has not only learned but has grown so much, specifically the past 20 years in her own life through personal events that have shaped her into the beautiful and even stronger woman she is today.
Speaking about years, this week is Bell’s birthday week and you would never guess what year she is celebrating! Spoiler alert: she turned 53 this past week. Seriously, we almost had to ID her, we never would have believed it and are convinced she has discovered the “fountain of youth”! She is a beautiful momma to two amazing kids both who of which each have their Master’s degree and have not made Bell a grandma as of yet, in which she jokes about with us during our conversation. Bell is a serial entrepreneur (more on that later), plays bass guitar, loves cooking, baking, traveling and waking up in the morning. “Every day you wake up is a great day,” says Bell. Why yes, we would certainly agree and it’s much better than the alternative! What we found in our short, but impactful conversation with Bell is that her perspective, her drive and willingness to win at life is absolutely magnetic. It can be felt through the video itself, catch the replay here and see exactly what we mean!
Tribel is the daughter of a strong woman, one who encouraged and pushed her to be the best she could be, no excuses. Today, Tribel is the founder of L.E.A.D. (Ladies Empowered And Driven). An organization created to empower women of all colors & cultures celebrating them for doing and achieving their goals while living life to their highest potential. L.E.A.D is only one of many ways that Bell is sharing her inspiration and celebrating women which is no surprise at all. As a young women of only just ten years old she was selling homemade shoes! Bell knew at a very young age that she didn’t want to work for anyone else, hence her entrepreneurial spirit.

Ones that truly kept building and shaping her – ones she looks back on today with so much gratitude, even though they were tough.
A story that truly touched us was when she explained how she left a horrible relationship with merely $400 in her pocket and an awful credit score. She talked about the days that she only had $20 in her pocket, but still dug deep and found belief and chose to smile trusting she would keep working to find a solution. Bell left the state and started over reaching out to a friend who chose to help her to get her set up with a place to rest her head. Hungry but happy on a mattress in an empty apartment, in a new state and starting all over again Bell worked hard that year saving $37,000 on her own, improving her credit score by heaps and purchasing her first home at the age of 40. What. An. Inspiration.
“Claim it. Own it. Write it down. Make it yours. If you have a thought or a vision, stick with it. Don’t listen to all of the naysayers,” she said. One of her mentors told her to “get away from people who have your problems and get around people who have your solutions.” What simple and effective advice. It’s true. Laughing Bell put it this way, “If you are hanging out with four broke people, guess who’s going to be the fifth?!”
When we asked her how she deals with and pushes through fear she chooses to keep it simple. Bell runs from the naysayers and keeps her intimate circle full of positive people who push her to be a better person. She relies on her faith to be strong and relationship with God to be one of her most important.

accepting nominees. If you or if you know a women who fits the description, Tribel would love to hear from you. We’ll post all of the ways to contact Bell, below. Alright you all, hold tight for this next part – when we asked Bell what her Red Bra Moment was it was another Red Bra Project first as Bell courageously shared with us what it was and that it ultimately was a DIAMOND Red Bra Moment…
Tribel’s Red Bra Diamond Moment: “When I met my real father for the first time in my late 40’s. At the time I had so much bitterness, anger, even resentment and I didn’t really know why. Then it hit me. It him me that I needed to meet my father. Well, actually I had to find him first.” Bell found him, then met him. Then she found forgiveness for him.
Bell shared some of her very vulnerable moments with us and what she was feeling and how she chose to allow it to impact her life in a positive way. It is just too inspiring to miss out on, you can hear it all right here in episode 27.
Thank you, Tribel for sharing so much of your heart with us. You are doing truly amazing things out there in the world by inspiring, celebrating and sharing YOU with others. Your story is so powerful and we are honored to have you as part of our Red Bra Community. Thank you Lovely and don’t worry, your fountain of youth is safe with us. Happy 21st Birthday. 😉
Ways to connect with Tribel:
Tribel Nickerson / Facebook
Women of Honor 2020

Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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Much Love,
Renee & Shawna