We were absolutely delighted to sit down, chat, highlight and feel the amazing infectious energy from our Red Bra guest, Hallie Avolio. Hallie is President and Founder of Sassy Healthy Fit, a lifestyle brand that empowers in Demand Women to prioritize themselves and unlock their sassy side without guilt (aka living SASSY as F*@*). That infectious energy we felt through the screen (yes, all virtual here) was powerful so it is no surprise that Hallie is a huge believer in the power of positivity, affirmations and taking action that is simple, sustainable and fun. Hallie is the host of The Sassy AF Audio Experience Podcast, Sassy AF TV (YouTube), a writer, a speaker and a passionate leader for her growing community of In Demand Women.
Spoiler Alert: Be sure to read all the way to bottom for Hallie’s New Year Program that you are just IN TIME for!! Hint: 4 weeks = Better You (no crazy fads, silly diets or quick fixes)
In episode 65 on The Red Bra Project, we learned that outside of business, Hallie is the mom to 3 wild, crazy and lovable children and has been married to her best friend for 17 years. She lives in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA in a house that is too small, yet juuuust the right size. (Sure many of us are feeling this way especially after doing everythang from home this past year! Lol) Striving to always lead by example and live a balanced life, Hallie loves listening to music, taking walks on the bluffs right outside her front door, beach therapy (yassss!!) time with friends, dancing, chocolate and of course, coffee. Hallie is a Leo which confirms her infectious energy!
We cover so much in our conversation from healthy living fitness, podcast, motivation, sex, love, relationships and body positivity. Hallie also vulnerably shared about the day she had an epic meltdown coupled with a tantrum in a dressing room with horrible lighting. (Yep, totally know that exact fitting room with the horrible lighting – been there and trust we are not along in saying that!)
Hallie tenderly shared with us that it was in that exact moment she felt and said she was SICK and TIRED of fighting off the demons, being stuck in the destruction and victim mindset mentality and was ready to start making changes to take care of her mind, body & spirit.
Hallie continues on to share with us that the two year journey she chose to go on at that point was not easy, was made up of a lot of personal development reading, major nutritional changes and an absolute 100% commitment to self love.
Through her journey, pain, facing the truth, making the hard but BETTER choices for herself, Hallie recognized a need in that in Demand Women are often doing going, juggling, taking care of others and often forget to take care of themselves. (sound familiar!) All of this, every single part of Hallie’s story led to Sassy Healthy Fit being born! Where Hallie leads and encourages women to prioritize themselves, unlocking their sassy side.
Candidly, Hallie shares that with no road map, self talking down those limiting beliefs and a burning passion to help other in Demand Women learn how to take better care of themselves WITHOUT guilt was Hallie’s sole focus. She allowed the belief and strength in her work to help push her through those uncomfortable feelings because she knew in her heart that she had to create a space for women to thrive and say, “I’m going to put myself first” without a doubt or ounce of guilt. The positive impact on women once she took the leap was evident.
There are so many favorite parts of our conversation with Hallie and what she does to support women. Hallie keeps it fun with her action plan of Simple, Sustainable & Fun! (Sign. Us. Up!) She shares her ah – MAZING FB community with us, the importance of a morning routine and more.
Speaking of morning routine, Hallie shows up every single morning on her IG and LinkedIN serving up a 60 second dose of Hallie’s Morning Motivation Minute.
She shares a positive, useful and uplifting message that is such a powerful way to get the day started off on the right foot! You HAVE to check it out for yourself HERE and catch it daily!
How Hallie works through fear: “Recognizing that it shows up as a protective measure Knowing that when I push through the fear, growth is on the other side. Discomfort just means that I’m learning something new about myself, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear,” she shares.

Hallies’s Red Bra Moment:
The very first time I did a public speaking event with Sassy, Healthy, Fit. Naturally, I am a good speaker, good in front of a crowd, but for some reason I was SO nervous for this public speaking event. I prepared for weeks, wrote multiple versions of the speech, practiced tons of times in front of my camera / phone and was just super stressing about the whole thing. It was the day before I spoke and I was watching and listening to the other speakers who went up and there was this girl. She was so cool, calm, collective and fun. I thought to myself after watching her, why am I stressing out, I just had to be myself, I mean it was “my” story I was sharing and I knew it. In my heart to heart with myself I reminded myself that the words don’t have to be exact, I don’t have to worry, I just have to show up with my “red bra” on and be sassy AF. That’s exactly what I did. I ditched the flash cards, I don’t believe I used any of the versions I practiced but it came from my heart and I felt so freaking awesome when I was done. I knew I was in my place, this is where I am meant to be. For all of that time I questioned who am I, what is my purpose, I knew after that speech, I finally felt like this is who I am this is my purpose.
Omgeeee, don’t you LOVE Hallie’s Red Bra Moment?! Gah, we sure do!
Which, Hallie’s response to our question about the most unexpected thing she has learned along the way is that she doesn’t have to be perfect and that’s actually BETTER is so in alignment with everything Hallie teaches. This woman walks her talk leading others down the Sassy AF path!
Hallie’s awesome perspective on all things life, struggle, the highs and lows is definitely a story you will want to watch. Trust us, you will feel like you are sitting in our living room(s) right along with us! Sit back, relax and hit play.
Loving what you have read so far?
Just in time for the New Year, Hallie is partnering with Coach Tee for an unbelievable experience to shift your life, mind, body, spirit in 2021. It starts in 7 days! 4 Weeks to a Better YOU! Check it out HERE.
Please share with someone who needs Hallie’s story in their life. Thank you so much Hallie for opening your heart, wisdom and story to us. We know it is going to inspire & support many In Demand Women out there. Keep on rocking it!
A huge thank you Sejal Thakkar (a former amazing Red Bra guest of ours from #57) for making the introduction, we always love Red Bra guest nominations! (If you know a woman you would like to highlight their story, reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!)
Here’s where to connect with the brilliant Hallie Avolio:
Healthy Body Healthy Mind – 4 Week Program to Healthy YOU
LinkedIn Hallie Avolio – Click Here
Episode 65 – From Despair to Freedom – How You Can Thrive and Get Sassy AF (without guilt)with Hallie Avolio on The Red Bra Project YT Channel
Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project
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