“The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is it’s soul,” Walter Raleigh. When we sit down with our guests and chat we love to close every day with a quote and this was by far the one of the most fitting one’s for our women crush Wednesday guest, Candace Pardo.
The incredibly adorable and sweet natured Candace is already setting such a wonderful example for girls and women of all ages. Another Red Bra first, actually two firsts (it’s like a bogo this week at TRBP!) Candace is our first guest from Canada AND our first female pilot that we had the opportunity to chat with. This women is ah – mazing and we are so honored to share a little bit of Candace’s positive mindset, perspective and story with you.
Immediately when sitting down with Candace, we could feel the genuine warmth and happiness that radiates from her. Her positive energy is simply contagious and something we couldn’t get enough of! Candace grew up in a large family of seven and has moved a total of 31 times throughout her life. In their family, they have a saying, “As soon as you put a picture frame up on the wall, you’re going to move!” she jokes. For Candace, she considers home anywhere she can sit down & enjoy carrot cake. Um, YUM!
From a very young age – we’re talking single digits here, Candace knew in her heart and dreams that doing music was her life’s passion. She had every intention on becoming a professional pianist. Piano was her first love. Her whole family is musically inclined and something they share together. At the age of 15 Candace went to see the doctor for some aggravating pain in her shoulder and at the time was told it was nothing. A few years later the pain continued and this time, she was diagnosed with Bursitis. Bursitis is a painful condition that affects the small, fluid – filled sacs that cusion the bones, tendons and muscles near your joints. The most common locations for bursitis are in the shoulder, elbow and hip. Mayoclinc.com She was told she shouldn’t play the piano again and that she would be best served for pain purposes by listening to the piano being played through a CD player while relaxing in the grass. Within a few minutes Candace felt as if her dreams were literally ripped away from her. She was 18, she was devastated, she felt lost. At the time, it felt as if she would never find anything she would enjoy the way she loved music. The thought of finding something else seemed impossible, but she chose to try and push on.

The sky was beautiful, fields were gorgeous, trees vibrant she had no pain AND it came to her, shoe loved to fly! Shocked and grateful from the realization, she shared with her family. “I’m going to be a pilot” Candace proudly announced and they supported her from day #1.
The first course of action in the process was to get a medical. The doctor confirmed just because she is 5’ a female and wears glasses does not exclude her from flying. (As long as vision is correctable to 20 / 20 for non military pilots is acceptable). Candace was off to good and exciting first start!
When Candace went up in her discovery flight, she took her Dad and was100% certain about her decision to become a pilot that very flight solidified her choice. She was going for it and to her surprise, just as excited about her newly chosen career field as music!

Candace was over the moon with excitement and gratitude on December 13, 2018 when she officially became a flight instructor! “A few years ago, I would have never thought I’d be teaching someone how to fly, now here I am,” said Candace. One of her favorite things about being an Instructor is sharing in the excitement with the students as they are learning and accomplishing new goals.
There’s so much that we were curious about with Candace’s journey. You will have to watch the replay to get the whole story. When we asked Candace if she EVER doubted becoming a pilot, especially after her love with music, she admitted, “I had to go through the fear to be sure this is for me. I had to pursue the fear. Set a goal and try to reach it. Were there doubts, yes. Like, do I love this profession as much as music and can I actually afford it? But, I knew I just had to set a goal, keep going and surround myself with positive people who supported me,” she said.

It was such a sweet & sincere sister moment. What a great sis, she flew 3,000 kilometers to visit Candace! #sisterlove
It is Candace’s goal to keep sharing her femininity of flying. She is part of an exclusive 6% group of female pilots (all pilots ie. commercial, private, push plane, etc) and feels it is her passion to show others how they too can do it! She shares her experiences, photos, her pre – flight inspections, inviting and showcasing Women take Flight events to her neighbors, music students, random strangers and youth groups. Candace has identified that one of the struggles as a women in aviation is the feeling that you need to get through the struggles alone. The reality is that there are so many amazing girls, ladies, men and communities out there that are literally breaking barriers – they are trying to share advice or strive to just being there for you. “We have so many amazing people in this world. I really want people to see that there is positivity, even if everyone just sees the obstacles”.
Candace is becoming a source for people to come to and ask questions. She is in the early stages of building a website www.flyingdecadence.com for resources and beginners in the industry.
Candace’s Red Bra Moment – “My moment was one that occurred over a period of time. It’s when I realized that I loved flying as much as music. That was a bigger accomplishment than just getting my license, and that flying could love me back. That it is so enjoyable and beautiful. That I could share it with everyone. That’s kind of what I loved about music, that you could express yourself. Somehow I found that even though I never thought I would be ever be blessed to have that experience or career like that again.”
Oohhhh my gosh, Candace, what a story. So much hope. So much inspiration to NOT GIVE UP. We love your heartfelt share about thinking through the fog and how to create possibilities (we share below). Thank YOU for joining us on The Red Bra Project. We are so excited for you and will be cheering you every step of the way.
Candace inspires us with this last thought, “Sit down and think everything through. Take a breathe. If you allow yourself to calm down and get past the present moment (even if it takes you a month). You have the ability to figure out what you want in the future. You will be blessed with a blast of ideas coming to your mind or thinking of someone you can talk to. Even if you feel completely alone, its guaranteed that there’s someone else in the world who is in the same situation that can help you. Surround yourself with someone who gives you positivity in life. They will see you need balance and guidance. You can’t lose time by trying to find other possibilities. “

Connect with Cadence on @flyingdecadence, her resourceful website www.flyingcadence.com and search for her using #fabulousblueskies.
Thank you for stopping by, always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level, we know it did, us!
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Much love,
Renee & Shawna