“When you become a woman in flow, you know how to access your power to change your life and make it be exactly the way you dream it to be” – Lena Dolter
Our incredibly radiant guest, Lena Dolter shares with us so much about understanding the power of a woman’s menstrual cycle, intuitive guidance and the tender parts of her personal story that ultimately led her to the unique and powerful work she does in episode 69 on The Red Bra Project.
Lena is a Priestess in training, obsessed with moon cycles (inner and outer) earth, nature, dark chocolate, avocado toast, comfy clothes and laughter. She is the oldest of 4 kids, grew up in Iowa, moved around the mid-west and landed in St. Louis in 2002.
Lena currently works with women to help them to break free from the amplified overwhelm the comes with PMS and align them with the energy of their cycles so that they are in harmony and in flow more often. Lena is a Coach and Healer who guides women how to tune into their body for answers. We dive much deeper into Lena’s work and how it helps other woman. But before any good core story, we love to understand and share a little bit of our guest’s backstory and how it played a part in where they are now.
Rewind to little, Lena. Little Lena was a happy, joyful child, always doing her, in her own way. There is just something about at least the first eight – 12 years of life in a child’s world. The purity, creativity, innocence and non – comparison to others that is learned oh too soon that can strip it all away. For Lena, she remembers this day vividly. She was in 6th grade, 12 years old running out on a hot day dressed in shorts to recess one day. All of a sudden she heard a friend of hers shout out, “thunder thighs” right at her. Lena gently shares that while at the time, she didn’t think too much of it, she was aware that it did hit her in a way she didn’t understand. She thought to herself that her and her friend actually looked quite similar. Lena didn’t get it. It was confusing because through her eyes, they didn’t look any different form one another. It felt like she was hit in the gut with the confusing words.
This pivotal moment in young Lena’s world left an imprint of comparison, judgment and criticism that began a phase of her life in which she started to relate to herself differently. She just didn’t love what she looked like from a young girl. It really shifted the relationship with herself and in turn Lena put a lot of emphasis on what she looked like . Through all of the other societal pressure for females and what skinny, chubby, big boned, lanky all “means” to an adolescent girl on top of what friends, social media and family may say affected Lena’s self – love for herself that often left her questioning her worth and herself in many of her future relationships.
Fast forward to up until two years ago, Lena was in Pharmaceutical Sales. She has naturally always been intrigued by knowing herself better and has done many things on the side to keep working through her own limiting self – beliefs to reconnect with her fullest, true self without worry. One of those things that she discovered along her sales career journey was the ever so powerful and important work she now does full-time with woman teaching them how to harness the power of their menstrual cycle. In addition, Yoga entered Lena’s world and served as a catalyst for Lena to begin to embody HERSELF. While she was connecting with her body physically, she still found herself resisting the deeper connection within.
Lena’s remembers talking with a Love Coach of hers. During one of their calls, Lena mentioned she was “PMS-ing” that day and what her Coach was asking her to do just didn’t intuitively vibe with what she was feeling at the moment. It wasn’t that she wasn’t going to do it was just not at that exact moment. Her Coach’s response was, “you can’t use your period as an excuse.” This response stopped Lena in her tracks and made her ask herself if she was using it as an excuse or is there something deeper really going on that she just doesn’t completely understand.
It turns out it was the latter.
There were many things from Lena’s past that began to heal once she got on the right cycle with herself. It all starts with the first step though. Lena was sent a book from the Coach referenced above called, Code Red by Lisa Lister. From there Lena found a woman who taught about the moon chart and tracking your period. Lena started doing this for months to get a log to establish an understanding of her life in the concept of her cycle. “That’s the one thing woman miss. They think tracking their period is it and it’s just not. That’s not at all what it means. There is so much more out there to connect and understand and that is why I do the work I do,” said Lena.
A great first app to start with is: Fertility Friend. Lena loves it and refers all of her Clients to it because it is the most comprehensive and way to begin to understand the overall big picture.
Lena explains that the belief that is often held down deep is that we as women should be doing and going all of the time. That our energy is the same as a man’s and it is just not true she explains. “When PMS hits or you feel like that breakdown comes or you have a ton of pain it’s harder to accept that because the belief that is in you saying you have to keep going, you have to do all of these things doesn’t allow you to be in a place where you can just accept what is happening now,” said Lena. It totally clicked: resisting what is happening versus literally accepting and going with the flow.
Lena guides her Client’s through more than just the how and why to track. She helps them to really understand what is going on within and how to connect with what is taking place that results in optimal flow. “When you know what is happening in your cycle and how you respond at certain times of the month then you can implement tools and decode – go in and take care of it before it happens or while it is happening so that you aren’t in a major detour until the next time it happens, Lena shares.
Currently Lena offers a 1:1 Client program and a small group program called, Know Your Flow. It is the basics of learning and knowing your flow through each phase, what the energy is behind it, how you can work with it, what the shadow of the phase is, how to work with it and through it with harmony. Another GREAT place to start is with Lena’s free online quiz about how to use your cycle to manifest what you want. OMGeeee, sign us up! Take yours here: Woman in Flow Quiz
We asked Lena what she would say to her little Lena: “Just how beautiful and joyful she is. Keep your joy and just be you. I feel like that is the biggest message anyone could give as a gift because the older we get and the more life experience we have and the more we are told to do things according to someone else the more we get stripped away of our own assets. So, let yourself shine would be my biggest piece,” Lena shared.

Shout out to Lena’s Mom and allll of the Moms who literally do all of the things every day to hold the home together, the mundane things that often go unnoticed but truly do make the most postitive of differences in our lives.
Lena’s Red Bra Moment:
I was recently in a lovely relationship and his dad died out of no where – which sucks in a lot of ways. He needed some time and took his time and whatnot. We ended up not re-connecting and it was painful. But when I look back and see how I went through the layers of seeing that I could allow myself to love someone so much and to let them go, the power of my own self – love that got me through that and the courage that it took to just “be” with the parts and times that were confusing and painful and all of the things that can come up when a relationship is over I am in such awe in which the degree I loved myself through a really painful and heartbreaking moment.
Ahhhh, Lena’s Red Bra Moment was SO moving. Thank you so much for sharing, Lena
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Please share Lena’s story with someone who needs it in their life. Thank you so much Lena for sharing your inspiring story with us, the aha moments, vulnerable shares and pieces that helped to create your story and are part of your journey. You are a true feminine powerhouse and there are so many women out there who NEED your guidance in their life. Starting with listening to your story is the perfect way to begin.
Thank you to the amazing Hallie Avolio a former Red Bra guest (Episode 65) who introduced us to Lena! The power of connection is so beautiful.
Here’s where to connect with the inspiring Lena Dolter:
Episode 69 – Lena’s Episode on The Red Bra Project YT Channel
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