Whooooop – whoooop…..here we go!
First of all, put your hands together and Clap. For. Yourself. Again, please. One more time, really loud and feel it!
Those are some awesome words of wisdom from our last Red Bra Guest of 2020 – the amazing, kind and compassionate, Janelle Taylor.
Now, let’s put our hands together for Janelle as she helped us close out 2020 on a high note through her story of overcoming obstacles, putting a stop to people pleasing and playing it small for others. Janelle is an an absolute shining light touching others with her positive energy, kindness and compassion every where she goes and we are SO excited to share more of her story with you!
In episode 71 on The Red Bra Project, our Red Bra Guest is a teacher, PHD Candidate, poet, music lover and spiritual soul. Janelle loves her family and people unconditionally. She is so grateful for her support system and honors her mother who has been a constant in her life cheering her on every step of the way.
Janelle has learned through her own experiences and shares that you have to always do what is best for you, even if it makes other people uncomfortable. “It is important to acknowledge that we all have gifts and a purpose and how our comfort zones are detrimental to our growth as we evolve. Sometimes the person who we need to offer forgiveness to most is ourselves,” she shared. Yassss, right there. We absolutely LOVE that reminder from Janelle.

Janelle has been an educator for over 10 years now, currently teaches second grade at an inner city title One school in Richmond, VA and absolutely loves pouring into our youth helping them to grow up to be all they want to be. Initially, Janelle didn’t set out perse to teach second grade but shifted to second grade from fourth grade and she is truly grateful for the unexpected pivot. While one may plan for one direction, remaining flexible is crucial.
“It happened two weeks before the school year started. I was already ready for my new babies, knew the curriculum like the back of my hand and then I was updated, Ms. Taylor – we need you to teach second grade. That’s part of being a teacher, you have to be flexible, you have to adapt and make the best of it. I didn’t see it coming, but I’m happy it did,” Janelle shared!
We have a candid conversation about what teaching this year has looked like for both her and her students during a pandemic, the weight of the year mentally and just how MUCH teachers pour into their students. (Thank you to all of our teachers, you are so amazing and appreciated). Janelle shares that the “job” just doesn’t end when the Zoom meeting ends. Teachers, especially in 2020 have been showing up non – stop. Not just in adjusting to environment and safety protocols, curriculum changes and teaching styles for their students, but for the parents and colleague support as well.
“My students look forward to school and the hardest part has been the physical distancing, especially for my students with educational deficits to name a few challenges,” she shared. “Everyone is having grace though. It is really beautiful to see the parents stepping up and becoming more involved in area(s) where they haven’t been before.

Janelle absolutely glows talking about her career, students and educational journey. At one point, Janelle was going to stop many degrees into her education which was about the halfway point to her Doctoral Degree. Then, life experiences and personal growth changed her mind. She just knew she had to continue on with her education all the way to her PhD and it has been SO worth it she gushes, every single step of the way.
“If something is in your heart that you really want to do even on those tough days, just do it. I didn’t want to lay with the regret or waiting to see somebody else be the change that I wanted to see. So I was like, let me do it, I got this. Stepping out there into the desires of your heart,” Janelle shared.
The tough days. They will be there, no matter what. Talking to Janelle, she shares with us her inner self talk and how it has shifted. She humbly shares that she used to sit with it for too long, overthink it. (Hey, hey, we have been there, too!) Janelle shares that growth has helped her to regain a more positive perspective by visualizing herself on the other side of the tough moments. Not as in denial but more along the lines of encouraging yourself as you move through the waves. “Have that affirmation or two or a list of things to be grateful for or the people who are watching you, encouraging you to win,” she stated. Janelle focuses on it now as being a part of the process and how she will feel on the other side. We love that! Thinking about the emotional feeling on the other side could be so powerful to work through the tough moments.
“I am grateful for my support system in totality. I must honor my mother who has been one woman that has cheered me on every step of the way,” Janelle says. “My mom is my angel. So is my father. I am very grounded when it comes to my family. My sister, my brother – in – law, I have amazing friends to lean into.”
Janelle is naturally a nurturer and a fixer. She realized after her own personal experience(s) that you don’t have to take on everybody’s stuff. She realized that everything didn’t “belong” to her and she has learned how to keep those boundaries in perspective.

She explains that it really goes a long way in discovering the root of why you may do things or how you respond to help with the healing process. Janelle admits at one point in her life she was spreading herself too thin and it was both mentally and physically draining her. She speaks of it now and is not ashamed to talk about it. She is proud of the work and growth she has done and in a much better place to both do her and continue to be that amazing woman to so many others.

Janelle shares, “We all have a choice. If you can take one small step a day and get a little closer – you can do it. Things happen and you will bounce back. You will discover you are a lot more resilient than you think you are.”
Remember friends, you must clap for yourSELF always, especially on the day(s) that are tough to do so.
Of course we talked about fear. Janelle gives us an inside look at how she looks at fear. There is a very fine line between fear and excitement she learned from a videographer and she totally resonated with it. Now, she reminds herself to choose to look at the energy when off and running with new or uncharted territory as excitement versus fear.
Janelle’s Red Bra Moment:
I was going through a horrible relationship. I was still killing it doing my schoolwork. When I say it was bad, it was bad at this point, I was fighting a lot of silent battles because there was a little bit of shame. I remember feeling so heavy throughout the day and actively doing things to avoid him. Despite how bad I felt, I was still showing up for myself (sometimes I didn’t have people there to push me forward because I didn’t tell them I needed them in that way) and that was so empowering.
I remember graduating with high distinction and just being so damn excited walking in and seeing him sitting there with that blank look on his face. I knew right there the chapter was closed with him. I knew there was no way that I could keep going on and be dealing with “this” when I stepped away. I just felt like I had a cape on at that moment – red bra and all, I knew in that moment I could do anything. I could excel at anything that I put my mind to because I was in a dark place in that aspect, but the light was still shining within me. I knew at that time I needed everything to be in alignment and in order to get there I had to make those life changing decisions to get there and I was ready to. Taking those tough steps set the tone for everything else afterwards.
WOW oh wow! Janelle’s Red Bra moment is a beautiful reminder that we are all capable of doing hard things. That we are tougher than we think at any given moment and that in the end, what you are working towards despite all of the obstacles, challenges and tough set backs is worth every part of the struggle.
On the horizion this first quarter of 2021 be on the look out for Janelle’s new podcast launching, Suite 143 – a place where someone can feel loved, creative and a place to just “be” for some inspiration, healing and reflection. Eeek, we are so excited to tune in, Janelle is just an amazingly inspiring soul – we know it is going to be powerful!
Loving what you have read so far?
We invite you to listen in to Janelle’s story as it such an inspiring and motivating share to wrap up 2020 with. Please share it with a friend who needs this story in their life. Stories hold so much positive power!
Thank you so much Janelle for sharing your beautifully inspiring story with us. The vulnerable parts you shared, words of wisdom and truths learned through your own experiences provide hope and light to all who hear your story.
Thank you to the amazing Jennifer Myers a former Red Bra guest (Episode 60) who introduced us to Janelle! The power of connection is so beautiful.
Here’s where to connect with the SO inspiring Janelle Taylor:
@itsnelle on IG and FB
Look out on her SM page(s) for that new Podcast. Suite 143
Episode 71 – Janelle’s Episode on The Red Bra Project YT Channel
Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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If you are interested in being featured, please reach out to us via our Contact page or send us an email: redbraproject@gmail.com, we’d love to hear from you.
The Red Bra Project