Meet our incredible Red Bra Guest this week, Jen Fontanilla! Jen is a Certified Money Coach, has been in the financial space for 16 years, co – Host of the Life, Love & Money show and absolutely loves helping people to figure things out in their life(s) and make life changing breakthroughs, especially when it comes to money! She is Founder and CEO of Queen Up Life, a brand committed to helping women build and create their ultimate life without having to worry about money with clarity, hope, and confidence by mastering their money and mindset.
That’s right….we are talking about money today! It’s all about how our lessons and experiences with money stem from the stories we tell ourselves from our own unique money journeys. It is one of those you can’t miss episodes as it has wonderful tips you can start applying today towards a more positive and abundant money mindset. We’ll do our best to give you the highlights here, but take a listen for the full scoop!
Jen wears many hats as a Mom, incredible Speaker and six time Author. She is always dropping financial gems of wisdom for women to learn how to create their ultimate life without worry of money on her IG page and in her FB group of which both are free to join and of course follow.
We absolutely adore her style, approach, authenticity and wisdom – not to mention she is a captivating storyteller! You are going to LOVE her and her story! Jen dives in sharing through some of her own experiences how and why she knew she had to shift to a growth mindset.
Jen started off as a Graphic Designer and while it is not longer her sole focus she still uses her design skills daily using both her creative and analytical sides of her brain within her financial career. We begin our conversation with a reflection Jen shares that many of us will be able to relate to.
“We go to school, then we become an adult and we look back and think how come we didn’t learn XYZ at school?” Jen said. Being a Designer was a very lucrative career for Jen, but she is first to admit that while she knew how to make the money, she really didn’t know what to do with it at that time because she didn’t learn anything about money in school. She didn’t like how that felt. Of course she was familiar with the terms: stocks, bonds, mutual funds and others the thing was is that she wanted to truly understand ALL of them, not just one piece of the pie. This is where her interest piqued with understanding money more clearly.
What helped to ignite Jen’s jump from working for someone else as a Graphic Designer to working for herself was when she found out she had to put in 8 years (nope, that is not a typo…8 years) worth of work to equal 3 full weeks of vacation time off. At the time, she put in a request for a friend’s wedding in Hawaii for a complete week off and discovered that she would be required to put in 8 years of work before she could earn a third week of vacation in the future. She was shocked and served a dose of reality that forced her to really think about her future.
It was at that exact point that she began plotting….plotting FOR her future.
Even though she was making amazing money, she knew and felt that there were parts of her job that did not aligned with her values. She did the research, figured out what steps she needed to take to begin her Financial journey, what license(s) she would need and certifications. She did everything she could before actually jumping ship so to speak.
For Jen, it was about finding her joy. She shares that too many people are burnt out, not happy and stressed. While people may say “I can’t just quit my job” Jen asks, what is the contingency plan? If you aren’t happy and don’t want to be there, what are you going to do? Are you thinking about where you can go, your talents, your core genius? What is it that you can do and what can you do about it? She explains that too many people will express how much they don’t like it somewhere and just leave it at that. Jen encourages that person to begin plotting…to start thinking about that next step, about what CAN be done to change that part of life that is sucking. If you have been there you know the feeling — dreading Monday, really wishing you didn’t have to see certain people at work, you are just hating it all. Instead, what is it that you can begin to start finding joy, to start working on those ideas inside of you to do what improves your life so that you are thriving not just surviving.
She got the licenses, did all the things and most importantly she now teaches others that understanding finances does not have to be scary or confusing. That once we understand and our money mindset that it IS possible to make incredible financial decisions so that we can move forward, not in a fog and address all things that come to money.
Jen shares an awesome tip for those people who are in this situation and feel overwhelmed at where to start. Start tapping into online communities she suggests. There are many out there she explains whether it is an entrepreneurial thing you want to do, a specific niche or industry where people can help to support and encourage you and you can start to build those online relationships. This is actually a massive tip because joining online communities not only will support your ideas and dreams while beginning to help educate you and get you pointed in the right direction, but it also helps to condense time frames.

“If you keep going at it on your own you will only be setting yourself back farther. It’s amazing how many encouraging people are for the most part ready to help and offer resources,” Jen said.
This is especially helpful if you may be in a situation where you are not supported by family, spouse or friends of your dreams.
“Don’t feel bad. You can’t allow yourself to get stuck there. You have to do something about it. Take yourself out of that situation, love from afar and begin to build your online community. New friends you can begin to get to know in these groups,” Jen expressed.
The resources that are available now are literally at the fingertips of those who want to make a change, it’s up to us to snap them up!
Jen’s laid back style is what makes her so approachable and easy to talk to which is key when talking about what could be an intimidating subject such as money. Jen remembers when she met with a Financial Advisor early on herself and while she could keep up with what he was saying, she remembers thinking it was a little intimidating and some things could have easily gone over her head if she didn’t have the background she has. She knew as she moved forward with her career in fiance she wanted to keep it simple, to speak in layman’s terms. Based on feedback Jen received, many people felt “dumb” for not understanding or felt fearful of asking stupid questions. Jen’s approach is education, not guilt or shame, she wants her Clients to feel comfortable, to feel like they are heard and not talked down to — without judgment.
“I would tell people, stop comparing yourself to other people. It’s like a doctor. You might see somebody look healthy on the outside, but until you check their vitals and their medical records, you really don’t know what is going on on the inside. It’s no different in finances. People see others who have a house, three cars, two See-Doos and go on these family trips. I come back and explain I see those people’s statements. They are in massive debt, they don’t own the house, they don’t have life insurance and you’re comparing this life reality of yours to someone’s facade. People need to realize that when you’re on my end, I see everything behind the scenes,” Jen shared. “I want people to realize if you are comfortable and you are starting to understand because you are getting educated and it’s explained to you without guilt or shame, this is all about encouraging and educating so that you know what is going on – YOU are going to make informed decision and feel good about this.”
Jen talks about financial forgiveness with us and what that means. She explains that it is so crucial to not focus on past mistakes, to recognize then allow forgiveness. If we stay there we are holding onto the past and we won’t be able to move forward – which is just a part of the money mindset Jen teaches. There is always going to be life changing situations she explains and we have to make sure we have people who we trust and are comfortable talking with about those changes who can guide us in a non – judgmental, educated, focused and simple way.
Jen offers strategic, simple and useful money mindset, money saving tips and education through her IG page, private (and free) FB Community and on her Life, Love & Money show that she co – produces with a previous Red Bra Guest and friend of ours, Dr. Summer Watson. One of Jen’s most favorite things to do is to collaborate with other people to create amazing things focusing on one another’s strengths and combining them to develop something that creates a positive impact. (psst…Jen shares her appreciation for Dr. Summer Watson their friendship and Summer’s sisterhood mentor-ship. Guess what – they began their friendship online!! — Start Connecting!)
The Life, Love & Money show covers as you may guess a wide range of topics that are naturally all intertwined. Because let’s admit it, we all have stories of our own that we can share that either we grew from, that led to separation or / and we learned to do better the next time around that involve at least one, if not all of the mentioned topics– which is exactly some of the conversation(s) Jen and Dr. Summer Watson have on their show!
Jen shares with us some of her own personal roller coaster life experiences that helped her to understand financial gains, pains and key learnings in life. Such as her own financial mis-steps going through a divorce where at the time she didn’t want to burden anyone, trying to figure it out on her own and looking back didn’t have the best advisor. We don’t know what we don’t know, right? (We’ve been there, too – and will be again, such is life a continuation of learning!) Jen ended up learning very constructive lessons by digging herself out and gahhh, those are lessons she will never forget and most definitely learned from that she now knows how to help others with always with a huge side of compassion.
“There is a moment when where you just figure out you don’t know what you are doing, it can feel like such a horrific situation and it can feel like it is never going to get better. You look at the numbers and it can feel scary, but there is always hope. There is always a solution. Everything IS fixable over time,” shared Jen.
Jen takes the intimidation OUT of understanding and navigating all things finance whilst putting it all in terms that are simple to understand and apply through her easy-going teaching style. Yasssss, please!
Fun fact: Jen has her motorcycle license – because why not?!
She has also co – founded a hip – hop dance team that’s still around and competing!

Jen’s Red Bra Moment:
My Red Bra Moment is that I describe myself as: Fire, Ready, Aim. What I mean by that is that I love opportunity. I’m like this rougue kind of person (for myself!) understand if I am coaching I’m not going to tell you something crazy. I just love opportunity. There was time when I had to make this transition…I’ll tell you the quick story. I was working for GTE (eventually became Verizon) and so there was this moment I didn’t get promoted to a certain position and I was pissed. I was pissed I didn’t get moved to that team. But you know what, there are so many times when things don’t work out the way you think they should have worked out that turn out to be blessings. I don’t know what you all believe, but we have to realize that GOD (whatever you believe in) closes certain doors because you aren’t meant to walk through them. We often feel those as defeat, but those are set ups because if you had gone through that door you weren’t supposed to – you are going to miss out on something else down the road. So, I was so angry I didn’t get it and ended up quitting a few weeks later. Ironically what happened was that this old company I was working for before, a small mom and pop store asked me to become a co – owner. I didn’t even think twice, I said YES! I’m was gone – without benefits or anything, they were a small company.
Those types of moments have happened for me many, many times. I love start up life. I don’t know how it’s going to work. I don’t look for what the guarantee is. The only guarantee I look for is if I am passionate about it, if I love the mission, do I love my part of what I’m going to contribute to is, what can I offer, what value can I bring to the team and project? Does it always work out – NO but I love the thrill of it! I love saying “yes” to those types of things! When you can use that type of passion and energy to really go after it – I’m that type of person that jumps and figures out the parachute on the way down. If we are always looking for that safety or guarantee I always ask myself what I may potentially be missing out on if I say “no” looking for the guarantee of safety. There will be moments you have to say “yes” to YOU, yes to that dream, yes to that passion because if you say “yes” you will figure it out.
WOW! What an incredible Red Bra Moment! Saying “yes” to the opportunities that are in align with your values and core beliefs without that scary guarantee of safety – eeeekk!! The path is full of so many possibilities. Jen– thank YOU for sharing.
Loving what you have read so far? Please share this story with a friend who may need it in their life. 😉
Thank you so much Jen for joining us and sharing such a powerful conversation that sparks inspiration, courage and motivates. We know it is going to inspire & support many people out there! Keep on rocking it!
Tap play on Episode 74 with us and let us know how you are feeling after listening in!
Here’s where to connect with the brilliant Jen Fontanilla:
Jen’s Website(book your 30 minute chat with Jen here to see if you both are good fit for one another!)
Jen is gifting 🎁 a list of money affirmations, and a chance to have a 30-min chat with Jen. Go to (
FB Community: Live, Love & Money Collective
Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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