“To be true to yourself is the most revolutionary act.” – Kim Chestney
As a result of nearly two decades of research and practice our Red Bra Guest, Kim Chestney has developed a powerful system that anyone can use to tap into their inner wisdom in extraordinary ways. Yesss!! She is sharing an inside look into her method(s), latest book Radical Intuition and own life experiences about how to learn and trust one’s inner intuition.
Spoiler alert…even IF you are a little skeptical about intuition or following your “gut” we trust that after learning more about Kim and the science behind intuition you may have a different perspective. 😉
Kim’s considers her background to be non – traditional in terms of how she was called to understand intuition. Her story begins from working as a leader in the technology sector where she recognized the tremendous role that intuition plays in business and cultural progress. She worked with Entrepreneurs, business owners and extremely smart individuals with Phd’s and she would hear them speak about how important intuition is to business, innovation, creativity, personal relationships, love and really the fact that it is just in everything that is applied in our live(s). Kim recognized that intuition is a natural cognitive function that balances out with our intellect and our analytical thinking that is a normal part of how we live can have an extraordinary effect on our live(s). From there, Kim was intrigued and set out to learn everything there is about intuition and she merged her two worlds. Today, Kim is globally recognized as an innovation leader and is the founder of IntuitionLab which is a revolutionary school for accessing higher awareness offering year round global programs for beginner and advanced levels of intuitive awareness. * no intuition experience necessary *
“Intuition is the hack that gets us into the seemingly impenetrable reality of higher awareness.” – Radical Intuition, Kim Chestney
Kim shares that one of the most important first steps in identifying your intuition is to listen to the inner, real truth and hearing above of all of the other inner chatter. There are several practices taught throughout Kim’s book Radical Intuition that help one to weed out what the difference is between an analytical thought, a fear and an intuitive thought.
“Really intuition is quite systematic. When you start to understand how it works, there is a method to the madness. It isn’t just willy nilly stuff that comes and goes and where we fly by the seat of our pants. There’s a process involved and we just haven’t been taught it – that’s the problem,” shared Kim.
We are SO excited that Kim really dove into what the 4 Step Process really looks like with us in our conversation. This is good you all, take screenshots, practice and come back for more with Kim – here we go:
1. First Impressions – the MOST important part. That is your ability to immediately ascertain a situation or make an instant choice. Intuition works on those first impressions, the first insight that comes in before your mind can take over or start feeding you information. Kim’s Tip: one of the best times to listen to your intuition is before your mind is busy when it is first waking up. For example, when you first open your eyes in the morning, in the shower, maybe randomly during an odd time to be “hit” with a certain thought – in those moments Kim suggests those are the time(s) to really listen in!
(okay, first impression – got it, check!)
2. Resonance – then you use your resonance to really go into it. What does it feel like? Does your first impression “feel” right or is it one of those strange voices in my head? Does it feel right? Does it feel wrong? Kim goes on to give us an example for clarity based on first impression and resonance.
3. Discernment – discerning the situation. Deciding what part you is feeling intuitively and how to act on it next based on those strong intuitive feeling.
4. Validation – really important in the beginning stages of learning to identify your intuition. Once you have become more in tune to recognizing your intuition the outside validation may not be as crucial, but is definitely nice to recognize and receive that validation especially in the beginning.
“Once you begin to build that relationship with your intuition and start to use it all the time, you will recognize how it feels. It will be much easier to say OK, I’m just going to make this choice because this is how my intuition is guiding me and I don’t necessarily need the validation, if I get it though good! As time moves on you need that validation less and less,” Kim explained.
In our conversation, Kim makes an interesting point that we are all already using our intuition intuitively waiting for it to come and go. Kim isn’t teaching anything new perse, she is teaching the individual how to awaken what we already use and learn how to use it at full potential resulting in positive, life changing results in not just one part of life, but every single part of life = career, love, relationships and more.

Speaking about following one’s true intuitive guidance from their heart, Kim genuinely shares with us that she knew she was being called to purse and focus on her intuition work full on and to step away from the tech sector but for a little while she kept telling herself she could wait a little longer before making the complete jump. When she finally launched IntuitionLab three years ago she held many in person workshops and events and one thing kept leading to another snow balling in a positive manner.
“It was one of those things that you follow your heart and intuition and things just align. Things were not aligning before that so I knew it was time to make that shift and do it. I’m so happy that I did,” said Kim.
Here’s the thing that Kim shared that was so eye opening and that is just how practical intuition really IS. How it applies to everyday things. It’s not a “physic power” we are all born with it. Intuition connects us, it makes us human, it differentiates us from machines, there is just so much there and we are just getting started Kim shared.
Kim takes a minute to share her why behind wanting to write, Radical Intuition, “Until you have one of those aha moments and epiphanies is when you feel the call to really develop it. It’s then you start to feel how powerful intuition is. This isn’t just a reading book, it’s a doing book. It’s about really teaching people how to experience intuition for themselves and opening up that space for that validation and really for the wonder of intuition to come into your life.”
When you visit Kim’s website, you will discover a beautiful selection of tools and resources to help build and hone in on your intuition. One of which is called: Insight Cards. They are SO cool to begin to identify what may be speaking to you intuitively. They are different than Oracle cards in which instead of attributing the card to a book of interpretation you look to your inner wisdom for interpretation with the Insight Cards. There’s no right or wrong answer, you can digitally click on the deck and the first one that pops up you then use the four step process Kim walked us through earlier explained up above to interpret the card.
Use the Insight Cards to speak with your higher self:
1. What was your first impression of the card?
2. How does that card start to feel with you?
3. What information, insight, guidance can you start to discern from it based on the way that you perceive the card?
Kim shares about how in her workshops when she pulls a card, everyone in the workshop expresses a different meaning from it. Hence, the fact that Kim teaches that everyone’s intuition journey is unique to them.
There are SO many awesome ways to start to get more in touch with your intuition and strengthen it. Kim’s website has a mix of free and paid tools and resources many of which we chatted about in our episode and have mentioned in this blog post. In addition another great free resource to start with is the 12 step guide to your intuition – get it here! There’s Kim’s book, of course which a an excellent guide. She also offers a more immersive experience of joining one of Kim’s event(s) or workshops coming up in 2021!
Kim’s Red Bra Moment:
Ha, ha, yeah, that would be the day that I quit my job! As I said, I had that calling, I knew there was something else more I was being called to do, but I resisted because I was comfortable, I wasn’t sure if I was ready. I loved my job, it’s not like my job was painful, I mean I Loved it, but I was still being called for something else. I was having a conversation with my boss and all this crazy stuff started happening, I tripped over my dog down the steps, my kitchen caught on fire and my husband looked at me and said, you know what this means, you need to quit your job! He was right, I just knew in that moment. Yes, the universe was telling me I needed to get out of this alignment and get where I needed to be. I went into work the next day, gave my notice and started putting my whole self into creating IntuitionLab!
Kim stated sometimes looking back, she wishes she would have started 10 years ago, however; she knows as much as she can say that now, she wasn’t quite ready.
She shared this statement with us about trusting the wait and just how powerful trusting the wait can be, “We want to have things, we want to have them right now, we are ready! But our inner guidance and the universe and life knows when it is ready, so those doors will open when the timing is right.”
Loving what you have read so far? Please share this story with a friend who may need it in their life. 😉
Thank you so much Kim for joining and sharing your incredible story with us and others. You are a true shining light and the outstanding work you are doing with intuition is truly needed. Keep on rocking it!
Tap play on Episode 77 with us and let us know how you are feeling after listening in!
Here’s where to connect with the brilliant Kim Chestney:
FREE 12 – Page Wake Up Your Intuition Guide
Radical Intuition Book

Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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