Shine Bright Like a Diamond in All of Its Beautiful Ways. This is the philosophy behind our amazing Red Bra guest’s business, mindset and how she leads the way inspiring others. We are so excited to share more with you about our fascinating talk with Genein Letford in episode 79 with The Red Bra Project. Trust us when we say – you are going to want to share her story with others!
Before we dive into this powerful conversation, we have to share a little behind the scenes info we discovered while chatting with Genein for a few moments before we hit the record button. So, all of our episodes are recorded live, one take, no editing. We like to keep the conversations as real and genuine as possible when highlighting our guests and learning about their stories. It is true, sometimes that leads to bloopers, hiccups, technical woooos and the ever exciting – what happens when you go live component, we like it that way — authenticity over perfection is our style. We knew right away when we met with Genein that we were meant to be connected and share her story and work as she excitedly shared with us that “79” is HER number. Yassss! Insert ALL of the feels!
Absolutely LOVE those divine connections and they are always worth sharing with others as they most often come to the one reading as a reminder at just the right moment. Put it out THERE and it will come! You may not always know how — it may show up in a completely different way than you envisioned but there is power behind saying it outLOUD. SO just do it.
Now, back to our incredible guest and her story that we are so excited to share with you. We mean, it has to be awesome it is her number afterall. 😉
Genein has often been called, “America’s Creativity Coach” for her work in reigniting creativity in our workforce. Now, you just don’t wake up one day and all of a sudden that is how people are referring to you, it is EARNED. Genein is founder of the concept of Intercultural Creativity™ an award – winning speaker, best – selling author, corporate trainer on creative thinking and intercultural creativity as well as the Podcast Host of Create and Grow Rich. Genein’s company, CAFFE Strategies is all about connecting the unconnected. Her passion is about about reviving people’s creative thinking and allowing them to create inclusive cultures that promote creative innovative ideas.
There is a shift happening right NOW.
Did you know that creative thinking is now the #1 skill needed in the workforce, and this workforce is now global. Intercultural Creativity is NOW the most important skill in business. – World Economic Forum
One of the best parts that Genein shares with us throughout our conversation is that creativity is a skill and YES it can be developed, which is where she and CAFFE Strategies come into play.
Speaking of play, we talked about this in our conversation. Play is a huge component in creativity. Look at children and the vast imagination they have full of child like wonder often without limitations in their mind. Everything truly IS possible with creative solutions. Along the way, not all, but many of us tend to lose that as adults and it turns out that creativity is a crucial skill to have and share.
People often mistake if one isn’t in the arts or music or design than they are not creative. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Every single day every one of us excercises creativity. Perhaps it is a creative way to get the kids out the door to school on time, DIY projects at home, a clothing malfunction in public (eeeekkkk!) or the $5,000 question – what IS for dinner? Once we recognize we are all creative in our own unique ways the thought of creativity becomes less intimidating.
Genein explains that creativity is all about connecting the unconnected. At her company, CAFFE Strategies the logo is the diamond. She calls it, ‘Connecting the Diamonds’ and that’s exactly what happens. It was her‘aha’ moment — and who doesn’t love an ‘aha’ moment? EUREKA!! Both creative thinking and intercultural development sit upon the same skills: Open Growth Mindset, empathy, skilled observation, curiosity, perspective-shifting, connecting between commonalities and differences, and having the courage to connect, share and create. So her specialized curriculum trains the creativity skills and then transfers them to intercultural development. She also works on organizational creative culture to support the continued development of these skills.
Genein loves that this is her unique gift to the world and that it will help clients reclaim their creative spirit while working in unification with people from various backgrounds.
We. Love. That.
Here’s where it gets really good. Genein takes her work deeper, connecting and teaching creativity in an INCLUSIVE environment. Hence, Intercultural Creativity.
“There’s no use in growing your creativity if you’re working in a non-inclusive environment where your ideas are not valued. That’s why I decided to research inclusion and intercultural competence which gives people the ability to work with people from various cultures and lived experiences. Creativity needs inclusivity and inclusivity needs intercultural competence. Both areas need to be developed simultaneously. That’s where my work comes in called Intercultural Creativity™” said Genein.
Genein literally radiates in our conversation talking about her work and passion to help others discover their creative muscle and use it.
We spent some time asking Genein to share a little bit about her past that led her to her work today and who she looks to as one of her biggest supporters.
“My hero is my mother. The level of intercultural creativity that my mother knew to raise us with was astounding. She intuitively knew the importance of putting her children in new, and sometimes uncomfortable, experiences, to grow our intercultural development,” shared Genein. “She also understood the importance of giving us training in the arts because it would help us in our ‘non-artistic’ professions. She made sure we stimulated our senses and not just our intellect.”
It certainly paid off. Genein’s brother, Joseph, works for NASA and just helped send the rover to Mars. Her twin sister Genae is a scientist and her little sister, Genette, is an award-winning nurse.
“My mom built a culture of intercultural creativity in their home which made all the difference,” expressed Genein.
So, so good. Let that statement sink in.
We shared a lot of the conversation with Genein here but by far not all of it. Genein is redefining creativity for all of us and she shared so many more beautiful gems with us in Episode 79 on The Red Bra Project YouTube Channel.
Genein offers workshops, seminars, coaching, keynote Speaking, tools, resources and more on her personal website and can often be found on LinkedIn sharing many gems of inspo for her followers!

Genein’s Red Bra Moment: When I was young I had to go through years of speech therapy. Not being able to communicate your ideas fluently does a real number on your identity. I struggled but eventually, with practice and commitment I made it to the TEDx stage to offer my idea worth spreading. So now my superpower is re-framing my experience with stuttering and I now see how it made me a stronger, more resilient person. This was an unexpected lesson. If I can get on the global stage to advocate for creativity despite a speech impediment, you can overcome your struggles as well!
Genein is a true powerhouse leading with light, love, boldness and inspiration. She leaves us with a beautiful treat, well actually two at the near the end of our chat. Hint: while she LOVES a good karaoke sesh, especially to Tina Turner’s Rollin’ On the River, with her siblings she ends our time with her on beautiful note…literally. No, we aren’t going to spoil it, tune in here for yourself!
Loving what you have read so far? Please share Genein’s story with a friend who may need it in their life. 😉
Thank you so much Genein for joining and sharing your incredible story with us and others. You are a true shining light and the empowering work you are doing through Intercultural Creativity is remarkable. Keep on rocking it!
Oh and that second treat, it’s a Diamond Treat to you from Genein. (Thank YOU Genein) Download your Free Gift here:
Here’s where to connect with the exhilarating Genein Letford:
Episode 79–Discover What NOW Is the Most Important Skill in Business and Why with Genein Letford
Thank you for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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The Red Bra Project