What happens when party decorations and positive thinking collide? A whole lot of incredible moments, celebrating and good vibes, that’s what! Allow us to introduce you to our most recent Women Crush Wednesday guest, the awe inspiring, down to earth, wife, momma, biz owner, corporate gal and so much more, Lindsay Ashworth. Lindsay joined us from sunny California for Episode #35 on The Red Bra Project and let us tell you, we have SO much to share with you!
Lindsay is the owner & designer at A Touch of LA (get it, LA ~ Lindsay Ashworth ;-)) which is a party decoration business that focuses on gratitude & celebrating life with the cutest party decorations ever. They are absolutely sure to make you swoon and of course, range from baby showers, birthday parties, themed parties and include everything you can think of from banners to games to guest books. The summary is that Clients connect with Lindsay sharing what they are celebrating, what they have in mind and together Lindsay and her Client collaborate with a foundation of gratitude and positive thinking to create a one of a kind and you know it, extremely memorable event. Lindsay designs everything, puts it together, pops it in the mail and The Client puts the event on! Lindsay loves to take the stress out of creating that “perfect” event so more moments can be made & cherished. But wait a minute…how in the world does one combine gratitude + party decorations into a business? This is where it gets really good….
A few years ago when Lindsay’s sweet daughter was born Lindsay had initially started her business creating party decorations right alongside being a new mom, working in the Corporate world and struggling with postpartum depression. During this time of working to grow her business she found some personal development podcasts and mentors on social media and discovered a love for self growth, positive thinking and the law of abundance. Lindsay began changing her mindset. She would practice gratitude daily and consistently write about how grateful she was to spend time with her daughter and how much she loved their time together. After about four months committing to these daily activities she began seeing a huge difference in their relationship, in her own mindset and environment. She quickly realized she wanted to do more than create party decorations, she wanted to teach & encourage other people about the power of gratitude too – that it can, 100% make a REAL and positive change in their life.
Lindsay considered breaking up the two passions for business, but quickly decided on “why not” she was going to give the unique combo a go. While Lindsay had spent some time “hinting around” about own personal journey with postpartum depression, she took a leap and just pulled the band aid off. She got completely vulnerable with sharing her story on social media and whilst it was scary to be so vulnerable the support and shares from women she received afterwards truly reinforced she knew she had to take the leap. “A lot of times you’re in your head thinking people know what you are thinking, but they don’t. You just need to come out and say it,” she said.
“Helping people to realize they have the power to make positive change in their lives gets me excited about life.” If I can help just one person overcome a struggle or see a new and brighter future for themselves, that is my goal,” Lindsay shares.
We talked a bit about Etsy and the Etsy community which is one of the places party planners can purchase A Touch of LA’s designs a la carte. Low & behold, Lindsay shared with us that Etsy will send out updates to it’s Clients talking about some of the most searched items, products & ideas. Wouldn’t you know it one of the most popular searches as of lately that comes up is positive thinking + events!! Whooo – hooo! If you build it and follow that tug, they will come. 😉
“People often overlook the true meaning behind gratitude and I am trying to help women and moms understand that if they can celebrate their lives as it is today, then they will start to manifest incredible miracles,” Lindsay said.
Lindsay’s Gratitude Tips:
1. Write out your goals as if they are already achieved. Ie: “I am a successful business owner and my Clients love their results.” vs “When I am a successful business owner, my Clients will love my work.”
2. Repetition is key. Write out goals & beliefs daily. Repetition reaps reward. (Think about an athlete who practices every single day, refining the basic drills, basic movements, diet, exercise. Could you imagine if the mentality was “I practiced my free throws & lay ups once this week, I’m good.”)
3. Celebrate daily. Write one thing down a day. Big or Small.
Lindsay explains that it’s normal for the brain to want to remember the bad or negative stuff first, it’s natural. Like working out, gratitude has to be practiced daily for the results to manifest.
A gift for you from Lindsay is a free Gratitude & Manifestation Guide to start implementing a daily gratitude practice and making huge shifts in your life. It’s super cute and easy to download, print and spend a few minutes every day filling in. Download your gift right here and start implementing the power of gratitude.
Check out several of the other free resources Lindsay has put together to make planning your party a little more seamless and stress free!
When we asked Lindsay how she pushes through fear her response was so relate-able. “I remind myself that people are all driven by the same fears – fears of judgment and fear of rejection. However, both things are going to happen no matter if I pursue my dreams or not. I would rather be judged and get to where I want to be, than stay where I am,” she said.
Connect with Lindsay on IG @a.touchofla
Check out Lindsay’s personal website at: A Touch of LA
Shop her adorable Etsy Store

Lindsay’s Red Bra Moment: Courage over confidence. When I realized that I was super passionate about “mindset” and positivity, I realized I had to share my story and tell people where I was going. I decided to do it on a Facebook / Instagram live and talk about my postpartum and how I got to where I am now. It was a really hard moment just because of the fear of putting myself out there. But I ripped the band aid off and am so thankful I did. I know that taking that leap of faith and being scared out of my mind was just the start to a new path for me and hopefully inspiring others to do the same.
Thank you so much Lindsay for sharing your true, authentic self, story and thoughts with us. We LOVED our time spent with you, and are so excited to have you in our Red Bra Community and will always be cheering you on!
Thanks for stopping by, you are so appreciated! We hope this story inspired you or someone you know on some level. We know it did us, please share away. Always wear that red bra underneath it all and make sure to join the party over @theredbraproject!
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Renee & Shawna